Chapter 3

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I've survived six months. I survived the winter which in my mind was going to be a problem, but it wasn't really. Dallas and I have warmed up to one another. He's not as bad as I thought he was. Before we never really saw eye to eye because I was sitting on money and he was sitting on dirt. But now that I've got a half decent record and nothing we get along better. The Curtis outfit is liking me better too. They were a tight knit group of buddies. I wasn't sure they'd let me in, but they did and I'm glad they did. I'm not the same kid I used to be a six months ago, understandable right? The streets toughen you up, you learn things. Maybe not the best things, but it's better than nothing.

I was at the Curtis house playing The Beatles because Pony couldn't stop me. Paul McCartney's voice rang through the house.

Love love me do

You know I love you

I'll always be true

So please, love me do

Whoa, love me do

"Turn it off!" Ponyboy groaned.

"Never!" I laughed. They hated The Beatles, which I never understood. How can you hate The Beatles?
"You lucked out Pony I gotta go see my brother" I said as I shut McCartney off.
"Thank god" he said relived.
"Hey you watch it bud, I'll be back one of these days" I said as I left.

My brother and I met up every month to see how thins were. Our little meet up this time didn't end well. We ended up leaving the diner we were at and arguing all the way to the park about my lifestyle choices.

"You can come back!" He said as we stood by the fountain.
"No I can't! They'd want to know why I was gone, besides I don't want to go back!" I yelled.
"This isn't you! Come back! You've been arrested twice this month!" He yelled.
"That's below my average pal" I scoffed.

"Are you trying to get back at mom and dad? Trying to be cool?!" He yelled.
"Fuck off Danny! What would you know!? You've been blind to everything'! Just take the orders and go!" I yelled at him.
"You're a dog!"
"Well at least I'm not a dirty street cat!" He yelled.
"White trash!" I yelled at him. "Unwanted!" He shot back.
"Weak comeback made by the idiot" I scoffed.
"Even weaker comeback by the so called hood" he said mocking my tone.
"You just don't want to be alone, so you went to them, you left your kind. What makes you think they'll keep you if you left us huh?" He asked.

My expression fell before coming back harder than before as I shoved him into the fountain.

"Fuck you Dan" I said. I stormed off to the sidewalk. I lifted my head up trying to keep it together. They're just words, don't get so worked up.

"Hey Princess" Dallas greeted as he walked towards me.
"Hey Grizzly" I said as I kept walking.
"Heard a bunch of yelling back there. That you?" He asked changing his way and coming with me.
"Yep, me and Dan" I said briskly. "Sometimes I forget you've got a hell of a way with words" he smiled.
"So what are you gonna do about it?" He asked.
"Nothing legal" I said and he grinned.
"Well I ain't got nowhere to be, you?" He asked.
"Well then let's have at it" he said as we walked down the street.

I'm not sure who's car we found, but it wasn't left in the same condition we found it in. Some idiot left a Cadillac Convertible alone with the keys in. They had it coming. If it wasn't us someone else would've. We hopped in and drove around town way over the speed limit. What can I say? I got a need for speed, there's a reason Soda calls me Checkers. By the time we were done the tank was empty, had massive scratches along the sides and was missing a few parts, good business for Soda and Steve. I didn't stop there. I got in a fight with that Sylvie chick. She was lipin' me off and annoying to top it off, that and she's the whore that almost got Johnny in shit.

West Side Born, East Side Raised- Dallas Winston FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now