Chapter 19

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Dallas and I had a fair bit of warming up to do. It didn't take long before things went back to the way they were. We made a deal to quit drinking and smoking (snorting in my case) so much too, sounded easy at first, and for the most part was. I didn't have a problem quitting smoking. I wasn't a huge fan of smoking daily. Sure I get the craving but it's nothing too bad. But drinking, that's a whole other story and the coke, holy fuck.

After GG and Mrs. Randle died I think we all started at square one again. I can tell you I felt the same way I did when Johnny died. I wanted to drink, and all that. But this time we're all starting off differently. Two-Bit is cutting back on smoking now. Soda stopped smoking, Dallas and I quit, Pony's grades dropped again, Steve is hanging in there. But it's not all sunshine and rainbows either. Without the things we all ran to there's more lashing out, and waterworks. I was thinking about the time Mrs. Randle showed me how to pick a lock after she found out I got locked in places a lot back home. I dropped the can of Coke I had in my hand and is went all over the kitchen floor at Tim's. Poor Jody got to listen to me bawl my eyes out. And with all of our go to's not available we've gone to the old old go to's. Soda races now, I'm still racing, Steve gets in more "organized" fights, I still do, Two-Bit is shoplifting a hell of a lot more, and riding isn't enough for Dallas so he's off jumping people.

And that thing Pony yipped at me still bothered me. If that little shit thinks he can talk shit like that to me, he's got another thing coming for him. After I finish my race tonight I'm setting up a fight no one can't not see. Jane Reed vs. The asshat Walter Jackson. Walter Jackson was out to get me from the get go. He always hated me because I didn't come from a broke house but I acted like a greaser. And then when I left, Christ was he ever pissed. He hates everyone of us that went from Socs to greaser. Just the thought of him pissed me off.

I was on my way to Danny's in the cold November air. Danny was graduating this year. Danny didn't go greaser. He chose to go middle class. I knocked on his door and Wendy opened it with a smile. "Hey Jane" she said. "Hey Wendy, how's the baby?" I asked as she let me in. "Pain in my back, otherwise good" She said and I smiled. She was five months pregnant. "You tell anyone else?" She asked. "Only Soda Curtis. I don't think he caught on. Give him a week and expect a phone call" I smiled. "How's Danny been?" I asked. "He's..." She said thinking about it. Her face fell as she thought about it. "He's a little worried about how it's going to work out" she decided on. "He's applying for the factory as soon as school lets out. It's a good paying job sure. But would he like it? I don't know" she sighed. Danny and the factory. "Is the job labour or more officey?" I asked thinking hard. "Labour" she said. Danny would like it. He always liked things that made him work up a sweat. "He'll be fine" I promised. Just then Danny came hurtling through the door. "Babe they want me. The cops want me and Jane. They even know where Dave is. Babe we're fucked" he said in a panicked yet calm way as he looked for Wendy. "I'm in here!" She called as she got up to go find him. Dave? They found David?

"I don't know why they want us. I was walking home from school and they called me over to their car. I heard them say something about Dave, and mom and dad, and Jane. I ran here. They'll be looking for me. I'll see if Lee's got a place and crash we can crash there maybe" Danny said hold his girlfriend and mother of his unborn child. Danny was a man with a plan. Always. Except when he thought he was finally forgotten. "Wendy, pack a bag just in case" I spoke up. Danny lifted his head and looked like the Danny I knew. When I first left he looked like a mindless cold Socs. I could see the look in his eye of determination. A family trait. "Danny and I got a date with the pigs" I said.

"They come to us" I said closing the blinds. "You got change?" I asked as we went into the kitchen. Their house was the definition of small. It had a living room, beside the living room was their small open kitchen and a hall that lead to two bed rooms and a bathroom. They also had a small basement and small backyard to match the theme. "Buck fifty" he said fishing it out of his pocket. "We'll need it" I sighed as I sat at their dinning table for four. They rarely used it. They always ate in the living room. At least they did when people were over.

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