Chapter 4

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{Damalmu here subbing in for Thug_Pug_Wants_Hugs}

Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate

Hate is a strong word but it describes my feelings towards Them. Ever since the 7th grade they have done this.

I ask my self a question all the time. Am I really gay, an I . I not sure about life I am only in high school. Life hasn't really began.

In my next class I am early and I sit were I usually sit. This whit haired boy comes up to me staring.

"Are you Garroth Ro'meave" He asks me
"Y-yea wh-y" I say shyly.
"There were these guys outside talking about a blonde head with cyan eyes. Named Garroth Ro... Meave"

He sits next to me and it was silent. For once .... Wait were is the guys for once there not here. That's good right. "GARRoTH" I here someone shout from behind. It was Laurance's sister... Cadenza Zvahl. She is one of the prettiest girl AT our school. Why is she talking to me am I getting into another fight.

"GARROTH I FOUND YOU your late to class again" she shouted at me. Wait I am in the wrong class. Oh no of course. She handed me a hall pass and I silently walk out who knows what class.

When I GET there all eyes were on me. I heard Dante and Laurance laugh. "faggots late again" I heard a voice say. Everyone laughs. The teacher tells them to settle down and take my seat. I sit in the corner back. All. By. Myself. Just how I like it.

*I am going to skip cuz class boring*

Before the bell ringer I get a note thrown to Me.

Hey Garroth,

Garroth I was wondering if you can meet me. After the last class of the day. Meet me at the back of the school.

Love, ivy xoxo

I look at Ivy and she smiles. I smile back at least I have some friends or nice people.

Malmu out


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