Chapter 5

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(Written my me! Wait you don't know who I am, b-but I t-thought you c-cared- Oh! Wait I didn't introduce myself my name is DJnonnie112, but I'm not a DJ. Anyway here we go!)
      Garroth's P.O.V
          Death. Misery. Sadness. Depression. I wonder if Dante and Laurence feel those emotions, well not the death part. That's not an emotion. I walked through the halls of misery and despair, that people call the "school halls". I looked at all of the other students who just seemed to have, their eyes on my. Why? I don't know, maybe it's because I'm ungl.....Damn it! I saw Laurence looking around like a lost kitten, I looked around to see if I could escape this kitty before it pounced. Okay, why did that sound sex- I'm not going to even think about that." There he is!" I could hear Dante shout. I looked at where Laurence was and he wasn't there.
Don't look back.
If you look back you'll get slower.
Keep going and don't give up!
It's to late.
Your too slow.
There's no helping you, you're useless Garroth Ro'meave.
   "Garroth!" I heard Ivy yell. She pushed through a crowd of people......that I didn't know we're crowding around me. I sat up- Ho- Why am I on the ground! I swear if they knocked me out or something I'll- I'll........I'll do nothing. I can't do anything. I'm useless, I'm a waste of space." Stop crowding aroun- Garroth........Get away from him you idoits!" I looked up to see a ragging Laurence and a slightly mad Dante, who wasn't as mad as Laurence. I got up from the ground and then ran into the boys bathroom. I ran into a stall and locked it. After a minute or two I heard the bathroom door open." Laurence you need to calm down."
"Calm down! It's to late to calm down Dante!"
"What are you talking about!"
"At this point I can't, do what you call Calm. Down. Without Garroth and he's gone!"
"He's literally in that stall right there."
"I'm kidding, yeah Travis said that he booked it into the boys locker room."
"Your lucky Dante, you don't have to live with this."
"I have to live with you."
"No you don't."
"No I mean, I have to live with your stupid ass in my amazing life."
" I a stupid ass-"
      Uh-oh, I accidentally flushed the toilet in the stall. I looked through the little Crack in the stall and saw that they were inching closer and closer to the stall. The stall I was in! I panicked and looked around, I can't get out of here! I unlocked the stall and ran. Well I didn't get that far because I ended up falling on someone. I opened my etes and saw that I was on top of Dante. Oh, that isn't that bad- he caressed my check and I blushed. I looked to the right of us to see Laurence, very angry, well here we go.

Bai! I'll see you guys never!*hops in stolen car, police show up* Hello, officer now it wasn't my fault it was all the r-readers! Yeah! The readers! Go get them! *police officer arrested most of the readers*
Readers: Come on man, maaannnnn.

I Will Never Let Go|| By OurCollabzOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora