Chapter 27

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[Since I haven't been on here for a while I might as well make some chapters- MCS ALSO HAVE YOU SEEN THIS VIDEO?! THIS IS SO GOOD!]

As school rolled back in, Laurance has been acting weird, and I want to know why. Whenever I ask him, he avoids the question, and walks off or runs away. 

"Garroth! You ready for school?!" I hear my dad shout as I was looking down at my phone, reading some messages I sent to Laurance, and I slowly pull myself up. I haven't changed into my clothes. I slowly looked over at my mirror, seeing that there were bags under my eyes from staying up all night to do homework, and I slowly looked down at the scattered homework on the floor. I picked them up, as I was getting the last of the homework I saw a picture, and picked it up,"Is this Laurance's?" I asked myself as I observed the photo closer.

It was Laurance and..Gene??

My heart began to ache as my mind sunk into sad town. I slowly growled at myself, tearing the paper apart putting it into a ball, and throwing it in the trash. I went over to my door, opening it, and peering outside,"Dad! I think I'm sick! I'm gonna stay home!" I told him as I went back into my room, bouncing onto the bed, and my mind slowly drifted back to the picture. They were both smiling, they seemed happy, and they just..

It made my heart burn with anger, I threw on my blankets as I hear the door open, and I hear my dad sigh," Garroth, what's wrong?" My dad asks as I pretend to be asleep, but that didn't work. "Garroth you have to go to school. You're gonna miss a lot of homework." My dad told me as I pull the covers off of my face, looking at him with a frown and he slowly places a hand on my forehead. His stern face turns to a soft kind look, he looks at me in the eyes, and scoffs,"I'll ask your friend Ivy if she can fetch your homework. I'll be downstairs if you need me okay?" My father tells me as I hug him tightly and smile,"Thank you Thank you thank you!" I screamed as he hugs me back, taking out his phone, and looking for Ivy's number. Ivy has always been my dad's favorite and he has always been ever so polite to her. 

After the call, my dad offered to make me some food and or take me out for some things that I might want. I gladly took that offer, as we headed to the mall, and once we got there I hopped out of the car. My dad lagged behind as I walked into the mall, seeing that there weren't as many people in the mall, and I was so glad.

Once my dad caught up with me, we headed into the game store, some clothes shop that had a bunch of flannels in them, and we were about to head out to eat when I spot somebody I didn't expect to be here. 

Dante, Gene, and Laurance. 

My face faded of color as my dad noticed and looked over where I was looking. "Stay here Garroth." My dad said as he gave me the bags of stuff we were holding as he stomped over to the group. "Dad wait!" I shouted as I was too late. I could hear my dad scold them, Dante was looking over at me with a surprised expression as well as Laurance, and Gene was glaring at me. Suddenly Dante started walking over to me, I paused my body shaking in fear, and I quickly dashed to the bathrooms. 

I quickly go into the stalls, slowly sitting on the seat, and covering my mouth,"Garroth?" I hear Dante calls out as I took a deep breath in and bit my lip. "Garroth please come out," Dante said softly as I took a hold of my bags, I placed my hand on the door knob, and tried my best to run out of the bathrooms and back to my dad.

But that didn't work. Dante was right outside of the stall, I stopped in my steps, and gasped softly. Dante pushes me back into the stall, locking the door, and pinning me to the wall,"Garroth. Why did you run away?" I averted my eyes away from his, he suddenly grabbed my chin and made me face him. "Garroth. Please answer me."

"It's either I kill Laurance or Date Dante. You're choice Garroth."

I gave a deep breath in and slowly looked into his eyes. I pull my head down as he suddenly gasps," Garroth your neck..!" Dante spoke as I placed my hand on my neck, Dante places his hand on my neck as I gasp softly, and he examines my neck. "C-can you stop looking at my neck?" I asked as he pushed himself away, sighing to himself, and looking into my eyes. His glistening blue eyes staring back into mine and I slowly began to feel my face burn. "Who did this?" Dante questioned me, my mouth was closed shut, and his grip on my other wrist tighten as I hissed in pain.

"Tell me."

"D-Dante please let go!" I shout as Dante's expression quickly changed and he let go. "I'm sorry," Dante says as he raced out of the bathroom, I placed my hand on my face, and sighed softly. 

Gene..why did you do this?

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