Chapter 6

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Wazzup?! Thug_Pug_Wants_Hugs is here dearies~ Ahem now let's begin~~

Garroth POV

I quickly get off of him, and try to get out of here as quick as possible, Laurence grabs my arm, shoving me into the wall. "Where do you think you're going?" He growls, I whimper. I see Dante smirk, I kick Laurence where Apollo doesn't shine and book it. Rushing to find Ivy. I run to the back of the school, she smiles and waves. 

"H-Hey, what did you need?" I ask, panting slightly. She motions to a girl, she has dark hair, and chestnut eyes, "H-Hi, m-m-my name's A-Aphmau." She stutters, smiling. "Hi, I'm Garroth." I say, and shake her hand. "I'm having a sleepover and I want you to come, be there at 7:00, sharp." Ivy says, playfully glaring at me. "I'll be there." I say in a somewhat whisper.

~Time skip, Gar-Gar's at home~

I collapse on my bed, my father was out thankfully, so I could have some peace and quiet. I fall asleep, a nap couldn't hurt right? Boy was I wrong.

My heart pounds fast, I'm running, from what, I don't know. A figure stands before me, their white, glowing eyes, "Garroth~" They say in a husky voice, I turn to run, but they appear there too, there was no way to escape them. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" I scream, they step into the light, a black flame man stood before me, "You~" He said loud enough so I could hear him. 

Next thing I knew I was in chains, weak, unable to move or speak. I look down, my arm and legs covered in bruises, and bite marks. The fire man walks in, a black tongue hanging out of his mouth, dripping black saliva. He drags his tongue down my neck, making me shudder. I begged him to stop, but he ignored me, and continued to lick me.  I cry out as I feel him sink his fangs into my neck, he licks the blood. He shoves his tongue into my mouth, pouring his saliva and my blood into my mouth, I scream again as pain surges throughout my body, "I'll meet you soon~" He says 


I sit up in my bed, trying to shake the thoughts of the man out of my head. I remember Ivy's sleepover and quickly pack, rushing out the door, not before leaving a note. I run to Ivy's house, she opens the door, I smile and she smiles back. "Let the sleepover begin!!" She yells

Well, that was my chappy~ Also FREE DONUTS!! -throws donuts int the air- Also is it bad I like writing nightmares, I wanted to make a lemon, but it's so soon into the story, plus I wanted to make sure with everyone. Anyways, I pass the magical writing pen/pencil to, who ever -throws the pen/pencil and (insert your name here) catches it- BAI BAI~~~

~A n o n

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