Chapter 14

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Guess whoooooooooo oh yea read the end



Letsss too

Garroth POV

Only thing I felt was someone grab me. I heard Laurance voice.

"Garroth what happens why did you leave" Ivy said running up to.

"I-I-I just had to" I say. Dante grabs my arms and sees the cuts. I pull my arms away and pull down my sleeve.

"Garroth you can talk to us" Ivy says with tears in her eyes.

"No I can't ivy you just don't understand" I say. Laurance was still on the floor at my knees.

"I have to go Dante can you bring my stuff to my house" Laurance says. He gets up and glares at me with tears in his eyes.

Laurance walks away with his hands in the shorts. Then we feel that rain starts, Laurance stops arm then starts walking again.

I felt bad I just didn't know what to do. Did he have feels for me?
Did I have feeling for him?
Why is my dick hard (#LOLZ I has too I am sorry)?

"Garroth I will beat your ass" Dante say pinning me again the brick wall. He had me by my neck. I gasped for air. They pull Dante off me.

"DO YOU KNOW HOW LAURANCE FEELS ABOUT YOU" Dante screams. He goes chasing behind Laurance. I sigh they all stare at me.

"Garroth we can tell you have feelings for them don't you" Ivy says. I sigh I don't know my feelinga, yes I do I hate them right.

"GARROTH" I hear a voice scream. It was Laurance in the distance. He charges at me and I stand there.

When he gets to me he pins me against the wall and pulls me into a kiss. I was in shock but I kissed back.

"INNER FAN GIRLING RELEASED" the girls say screaming and taping us. I wanted to pull away, I couldnt. We keep kissing until we broke for air.

"I like you alot Garroth and I have for a while now, I didn't want to tell you" Laurance says staring into my eyes.

Laurance pov

I knew I shouldn't have told him, but I did. I felt nasty that I actually like guys. I didn't even know how to react.

"I don't know about this I am sorry" Laurance said.

"I do, can we go to your house to talk about this" Garroth asked. I nod we didn't talk at all the way to my house. We just keep looking at the ground.

"Hey Garroth" I said. He looked at me.

"Are you a virgin" I ask with regret.

"......." he didn't say nothing just mumbled under his breath.

"You don't have..."

"Yeah I am what about you " He answered and asked. I was silent for a little bit.

"Yeah me too" I finally answered.

It was silent until I decided to ask another question.

"Have you ever thought about having sex with a guy" I ask. He blushed a lot.

"Yeah a lot" he said quietly but I could still hear him.

Well this going to be a very awkward night.


Boom, sorry we haven't been updating we have been very busy with are own books. Me and Thugs just started some. Chaos was studying for test. Magical colors have been busy. And Author~Chan has too. We will be on schedule very soon.

~ chirp chirp da malmu outtt

I Will Never Let Go|| By OurCollabzTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang