Chapter 18

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Uni here! Or _TheFanficGroup_, I have a new nickname! Which is Uni which is what I just sa- Nelson E.X.E: Shut up! Uni: Okay, so let's begin.

Heh... MALMU HERE... again always stilling someone's intro.

I sit on my bed texting Laurance, he's cute I'll say. Just in want to know qht happened in his past. I don't want to ask him just yet though. I decided to call him, just one lighten up the mood. I'm glad we're taking things slow... no 'I love you's yet. I am really happy about that. I don't think we love each other yet.

"Hey babe, are you okay" Laurance asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine what about you" I asked back.

"I'm doing okay, I really miss you. I know you have only benefit gone for a few though" he says sexual.

"Your a loser, just a lonely beautiful loser"

"Thank you... so when is the next time you want to see each other"

"Well school starts back in a week or so. We have plenty of time right"

"Y-yeah.. so when do you want to come out"

It was silent... people already thought I was gay. Why not just make it worst saying I date the hottest guy in school.

"Right now, people already think I'm gay" I joked. Laurance laughed then I heard him typing.

"Okay whatever you say... I just posted on pinstagram" Laurance said proudly.

"R-Really" I asked checking his page... he actually did. I did the same, WE'RE CUTE.

"I did to so now what" I asked. He sighed and I heard his computer again.

"Do you want to go out with me.. like out of town" he asked me nervously.


"Yeah, just me and you though. I want to get to know you better."

"Let me ask my dad about all of this in a few. Right now I just want to here your voice"

"I like you Garroth"

"I like you too"

"Next time you come over you sleeping over again... it was fun"

"Yeah... hey I'll call you later, I'm going to buy some food" I say. He was silent for a bit.

"Okay byeeeee" he said hanging up.

The thing is I'm being food for him... chicken nuggets for him today. I called McDonald and places a order to his house and then one to mines.

Luckily I know what he likes, not to be a stalker or anything. Hehehe maybe just a little.

After a few minutes I get a call from Laurance.

"THANK CHU SO MUCH BABY" he screamed.

I laughed

"Your welcome now we can talk all night"

"Yeah we can"

And we did talk all night we fell asleep on the phone together. Just an amazing guy.

Why would he want someone like me than.... he loves me doesn't he. Cute~

Whew I wrote that in 10 minutes... I have no life

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