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I woke up and saw that i was wrapped up in Diggy's arms.I tried to get out but I didn't get out.

"Where you going",Diggy asked.

"Nun of your business, now let me go",I said trying to push him off of me.

"I can't hold you?"

"No",I yelled while finally getting out of his arms and going into Dj's room.

I picked up Dj and started to play with him.

"Hey mommy baby",I said tickling him.

Dj just giggled and smiled.I continued playing with Dj intil I heard Diggy say something to me.

"Why you keep moving away from me, what's your problem",Diggy asked.

I put Dj back in his crib and walked passed Diggy without saying nothing.When I was about to walk downstairs I felt Diggy grab my wrist and made me face him.

"Let go of me",I yelled.

"No I don't like it when you try to avoid me",Diggy yelled back.

"Well I don't like it when my boyfriend for 5 years stays out until 12"

"Man whatever forget it",Diggy said letting go of my wrist and going into the bedroom.

I'm going to find out what's going on with him one way or another.

●Taylor POV●

Well me and King have being dating for bout 2 or 3 years and.....King propose to me.Yup me and King are getting married.I'm so happy because I love him so much and he treats me like a queen.King wasn't at home right now and it was 11 o'clock.I called him but he never answered.I called him one last time and he finally answered.


"Babe where are you"

"Um I'll be home in a minute OK"


"Yeah Love you bae bye",King said hanging up.

Why do it seem like he is hiding something from me and he is trying to be sneaky?

Yeah it's short but I just wanted to write chapter 2.

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