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●Roc POV●

"Desare' please stop yelling...please."

Desare' was yelling and crying because I told her that I wasn't going to buy this doll that she wanted today.She wanted the doll badly.I couldn't buy the doll today because I was very busy today with work.Desare' is now 3 years old and she is a diva.Desare' is also daddy's little girl.When mama says no she comes straight to me because she knows I will say yes.Desare' is a sweet little girl , but she can act like a spoiled brat at times.She would throw a temper-tantrum if she don't get what she want.(Picture of Desare' on the side)Sometimes we would give her what she won't so we won't have to her scream , or we would just put her in timeout.Desare' is also in preschool, and she is very smart for an 3 year old.

"But daddy I wanted that doll today",She winned.

"Why do you want this doll so bad.Every since you came back for school the other day you been going crazy over this doll."

"No me wasn't",She yelled.

"Yes you have tell daddy whats wrong",I say picking her up."Now what's wrong princess"

"This girl in my class have this doll and she always shows it off.Then she makes full of me because I don't have one, and now my friends don't play dolls with me anymore.",She says with tears down her face.

"Look princess don't try to get something because you want someone to like you.If they don't wanna play dolls with you, then play dolls with your-self and have fun.There's nothing wrong with having fun with your-self, because maybe somebody will see you and join you."

"Okay daddy I understand now",She says kissing my cheek and running up to her playroom.

See my baby is very smart and I love her so much.

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