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●Diggy POV●

Ever since YN found out Taylor been kidnapped, she just been crying all day.Then when she crys she start to think about killing the person who kidnapped Taylor and she just goes crazy.

"I swear to god I'm going to kill the bastard who kidnapped my bestfriend...But what if we never find her and she dies.".She says started to cry.

I pulled YN to me and she laid her head on my chest.Lately YN been very moody.I kinda think she's pregnant again.


"Yes",She said wiping her face.

"Are you pregnant?"

"I really don't know.Do you think am I?",She asks.

"I mean you have been very moody lately."

"Maybe I should go to the store and get a test."


●Taylor POV●

Prince left out and left me in the basement all by my-self.I ended up finding something sharp and I cut the tape off of me.When I cut all the tape off I went down the stairs and tried opening the door, but it was locked.I kicked the door down and the door broke.I used to do karate when I was in highschool and sometimes I still go to practice and it finally came in handy.I searched the rooms looking for a phone but I couldn't really find any.I found some clothes and put them on and ran down the street to a stranger house and I knocked on the door.

"Yes",The stranger said opening the door.

"Please help me, can I use your phone please."

"Oh of course sweetie",The lady said.

The lady had pretty long black hair and she looked like she was about in her late 40's.She was very pretty tho.The lady handed me a phone and I hurried and called King.

"Hello, who is this?"



"Yes it's me"

"Taylor where are you.How did you get out.",He questioned me.

"Baby I don't feel like answering questions.I just want you to come get me."

"Ok where are you."

"Umm I don't know.Hold on let me ask." "Umm excuse me ma'am where am I?"

"This is Beverly Blv."

"Ok thank you."... "Babe I'm in Beverly Blv."

"What",He yelled.

"What's the problem?"

"That's almost around the corner from my house."

"Are you serious?".Can you just come get me please."

"Ok I'm on my way."

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