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I woke up and got  ready to go to the mall.Dj birthday was tomorow so I wanted to get his gifts and decorations for his party.Diggy was going to go with me , while we drop Dj off over Treasure's.I hoped in the shower, slipped my clothes on, and got Dj dressed.When I was done getting Dj dressed I made him some french toast.Dj finished his toast and we headed out the door.

"Dj you're going over Auntie Treasure house...Ok?"

"Okay mommy"

"Don't get into no arguments with Desare' again.",Diggy say.

"But she took-"

"No but's Dj.Now listen to your daddy and don't get into any arguments."

"Fine",Dj mumbled while folding his arms and pouting.

"Fix your face Dj."

Dj fixed his face but he still had his arms folded.We finally made it to Treasure's & Roc's house and I went in, talked to Treasure for a while, then I left.Diggy and I were now in the parking-lot of Party City .

"What should the theme of the party be?",I ask while getting a shoping-cart.

"Umm well Dj does love cars and dinosaurs.",Diggy suggested.

"Dj's favorite movie is Despicable Me...Maybe that should be the theme."

"Alrite.",Diggy says.

We walk into the store and I immediately with to the boys aisle.I started to search for the Despicable Me stuff , but I couldn't find.Then I see these Despicable Me cups and plates and when I was about to grab them this lady took them.

"Umm excuse me."

"What?",The lady said with an attitude.

"I was about to grab those and I know you saw me."

"Well to bad I grabbed them first...Maybe next time you can be faster.",She said with a evil smirk.

"Listen here BITCH....My son birthday party is tomorow and his theme is Despicable Me.My son will get Despicable Me for his birthday.So either you hand it over to me or I beat your ass and still get it.",I say.

"How bout I leave and you get nothing."

"Why are you getting decorations..aren't you alittle bit old to be alittle kid's mom.?"

"For your information this for my grandson."

"More like great great grandson."

The lady mouth dropped in shock.

"How rude",She says dropping the cups and plates and walking away.

"Told her I was going to get them one way or another."

I'll do anything for my son.

I walked up to the cash register with a big smile on my face.Diggy was looking at me like"What Da Fuck?".

"What you so happy for?",He asked.

"Oh nothing just that some lady took the decorations that I was about to grab and I threaten to beat her ass."

"Dang Bae you threaten people just for decoarations."

"Yeah cause she saw me about to grab them and the bitch just rushed over there and grabbed them."

I got my bags and me and Diggy was about to leave out the store until I saw the lady.I just walked pass her with an evil grin, but then she mumbled something.

"Bitch",She mumbled.

"What bitch...what did you say?",I said walking up to her.

Diggy grabbed me and tried pulling me out the store before security showed up, but I was trying my best to get out of his arms.

"No let me go...She wanna mumble shit but she to scared to say it to my fucking face."

Diggy finally pulled me out the store but before he got me out I told the lady"When I see you in the streets you getting your ass beat bitch."

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