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The party finally started and everyone was having a BLAST! Dj was having the time of his life...He was was loving his party so far and I was glad.All the little kids had on their swimming-suits and they were playing around in the water...It was so cute.I even saw this little girl kiss Dj cheek and Dj didn't even know what to do.

30 minutes later it was time to cut the cake and say Happy Birthday!I had to go find Dj, but I couldn't find hi....But then I saw that Diggy already had him in his arms.So I walked over to the table that the cake was on.

"Mommy Mommy look at the cwake it have the mwinnons.",Dj says pointing at the cake and smiling.

"Yeah baby I see."

"Okay everybody let's sing Happy Birthday.",Diggy says.

"Happy Birthday to you....Cha Cha Cha.......Happy Birthday to youuuuuuu....Happy to you."

Y'all know the rest of the song

Dj blew out the candles with the help of his dad....Then we cut the cake and passed it out to all of the kids.When everyone was done eating we started opening the gifts.Dj wanted to open this big red box first...So I opened it and inside was a toy motorcycle.Dj was so excited.

"Mommy who bought me dis?",He asks.

I looked at the card that came with it and I read the names Uncle Roc, Auntie Treasure, Desare'.I told Dj who it was from and he ran over to Roc and Treasure and gave them hugs.

"Twhank you uncle and auntie..I love you both."

We finished opening all of the gifts and everybody went home.Dj said that was the best party ever and I was just happy that my baby loved his party.


10 years Later


"Diggy wake up you have to be at school before 8 o'clock",My mom yelled.

"Ugh.",I threw the pillow across the room.

My mom came into my room.

"Dj did you hear me..I said get up...NOW!"

"Okay..give me 5 minutes."

"Little boy don't make me hurt you."

"I'm not little anymore."

"Dj be quiet you are only 13 years old."

My mom walked out the room and I got out the bed and went into the bathroom.


The past 10 years have been good and bad.Dj..Well he's a teen now and mostly all he thinks about is girls.Me and Digg are doing fine...We haven't argued in awhile, but we do sometimes.Also....Me and Diggy had another baby....Two actually.Yes Diggy and I had twins....Who are now 6 years old.There names are Dakota and Dayton.Dakota is the little princess, who is also sassy and can act like a brat sometimes.Dayton is just sweet as can be, he likes to help me out with the chores and anything else...I guess that's why I give him anything he wants....Well I give all my kids whatever they want, but nothing stupid.

Today was the first day of school for the kids.I had already went and woke up Dj so I went into the twin's room to wake them up.I woke up Dakota first then I woke up Dayton.All they had to do was brush their teeth and wash their face, because they took a bath last night.The twins both have curly hair ,which I don't know where it came from, but I had to comb their hair so it won't be nappy.I had put  Dakota hair in a pretty bun while I had put Dayton hair in a ponytail.(Picture of the twins on the side)

"Mom do I have to have my hair in a ponytail...I want it out.",Dayton whinned.

"But my baby looks so handsome with a ponytail",I say kissing his cheek and going downstairs.

● Dj POV●

I was about to put my shoes on, but then my phone started to ring and the song My Nigga by YG started to play.I answered the phone and it was my bro Carson.


"Wats good Dj."

"Nothing man I was just about to put on my shoes."

"Oh cool man....You ready for the first day of 8th grade."

"Yeah...I just hope Kailey won't be here this year...I can't stand that girl."

"Dj you know you still have feelings for her..don't lie"

"No the fuck I don't..I don't love these hoes."

"Dj watch your mouth before I pop you in it.",My mom yelled from downstairs.

Carson was laughing his ass off because I got in trouble.Anyways Kailey was this girl I dated at the of 7th grade.Long story short I broke up with her because people was telling me that she was a hoe.

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