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It was the morning of Dj's birthday.I was already up so I was preparing a birthday breakfast for Dj.When I finished Dj's breakfast, I went up to his room.I quietly opened his door and sat the food on the nightstand.

"Dj...Wake up Boo.",I say lightly shaking him.

"What Mommy?",He questions rubbing his eyes.

"Happy Birthday!!!....I made you birthday breakfast.",I say handing him his breakfast.

"Thank you mommy",Dj say as he start to eat his food.

I kiss Dj on the forehead and leave his room.I went into my bedroom and Diggy was knocked out.

"Diggs,Diggy,Diggy,Diggy" I Shouted!

"Damn Wtf You Want" Diggy Shouted At Me

"Nigga....Watch who tf you talking to , we ain't have any arguments in a while... So Dont Start One Today.Now go tell our son Happy Birthday And your breakfast on the table!",I yell.

"Okay And thank you"

"Imma go Get The house ready for DJ Party" I told Diggy

●Roc POV●

I wanted to get in the shower but Treasure was taking all day.Why do girls take so long in the bathroom.By time she gets out I'm going be old and walking with a cane.

"Treasure Please Hurry And Get Out The Shower",I yell.

"5 more minutes!!!"

"Treasure if you don't get out the shower right now...I'm coming in there to get you."

"La La....Can't hear you".

I rushed in the bathroom and grabbed Treasure out the shower.I grab her naked body and grab the towel.Then I dropped her on the bed and threw the towel at her and got in the shower.

"You Sexy Ass Negro" Treasure yelled At Me



It was now 11:30 and I was already setting up the party things.The backyard was transformed into alittle kid dream world.I'm also gonna have characters like Mickey & Minne Mouse, Spongebob, and I even found a Minion.My son is gonna have the time of his life.Can't wait til it starts.

"Digs can you help me",I say struggling to carry the box holding some more party stuff.

I don't know where Diggy was but he was not answering me.

"Diggy I NEED HELP",I yelled.

Then out of nowhere here come Diggy running towards me with a worried look on his face.

"What happen are you hurt...Who did it?",He says asking me question after question.

"There's nothing wrong with me..I just need help with setting up the party."

"Ohh Aight...Shortness can't handle the box",Diggy laughs picking up the box.

"Shut up..I'm only 5'4...That's only 5 inches shorter."

"More like feet.",Diggy says laughing hard.

I looked at him like he was stupid.You see what I have to deal with...This child.Lord help him.

"She wasn't ready",Digs says trying to sound like Kevin Hart.

"It's not that funny...Keep laughing I'm gone do something that's gonna hurt you ,but makes me laugh.

That smile quickly disapeared off his face as he looked at me.

"You better not kick me in that spot....Again."

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