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~Diggy POV~

I spit out my pop.",What the hell do you mean Dana is gone!"

"Dad she isn't in her room and I checked everywhere."

I got out my sit and ran upstairs into Dana's room.

"Dana!?".I looked in her closet, under the bed, and in her bathroom, but I didn't find her.I was about to walk out her room when I seen that her window was opened.


"Yeah?",She said running into the room.

"I think I might know where Dana is."


~Dana POV~

I snuck out my window to go to the party.I know I wasn't suppose to go, but I don't care I want to have fun.The party was like 3 blocks down from my house so I walked there.I finally arrived at the party and it looked so hyped.I walked into the house and the smell of weed and liquor filled into my nose.I started to walk towards the kitchen into I was pulled into a corner.

"Aye you made it and you look sexy.",He looked me up and down making me feel very uncomfortable.

"Um yeah I did."

"You want a drink it's really good."

"No thanks I'm not really thirsty."

"Come on live alittle."

He pulled me to the kitchen and grab a bottle of Vodak and a bottle of orange juice.He poured the orange juice into a cup then he poured alot of Vodak into the cup of orange juice.

He hand the cup to me.",Drink it."

I took the cup from him, but I didn't drink it.

"Drink it!"

I was started to think that I shouldn't have came to this party.

He walked over to me, forced my mouth open and poured the Vodak mix into my mouth.I started to choke as he let my mouth go.I didn't have a choice to not swallow it.As the Vodak went down my throat my head started to hurt.

"My head hurts."

"Ooh the Vodak just kicked in.",He smirked."Maybe you need to go lay down..I heard that helps sometimes."

"Um Ok.'

He lead me upstairs into this bedroom.He opened the door for me and I walked in.I laid on the bed and I looked at him.I seen he lock the door.

"W-What are you doing?!"

"Shh just relax."He came over to me and pushed me back down.

"No get the fuck off of me! HELP SOMEBODY HELP ME!',I screamed hoping someone would come and help me.

He slapped me", Shut up you little bitch!"

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