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●Roc POV●

Treasure and I was just at home chilling with our daughter.Yup Treasure had a baby girl, and her name is Desare'.Desare' is 7 months, and have Treasure's personality and looks like a good mixture of me and Treasure.I love Desare' so much, every since she was born.We was all in the living room and Treasure was playing with Desare'.(Picture of Desare' on the side)

"Babe can you give Desare' a bath and put her pj's on, while I cook dinner.",Treasure asks.

"Yeah",I say picking up Desare's and going to the bathroom.

When I got in the bathroom.I put Desare' in her baby tub and I tried washing her up, but she kept on kicking the water.

"Desare' stop kicking the water"

She just giggled.

"Oh you think this is funny?"

I started tickling Desare' and she was just laughing.

"Ok now lets get you washed up"

I finished washing up Desare' and i put her pj's on, and I went downstairs.When I went downstairs i put Desare' in her high chair and I went over to Treasure.

"What's for dinner",I asked holding Treasure's waist.

"Umm fried chicken, green beans, mash potatoes with gravy, with lemonade."Treasure says.

"Oh that sounds good",I say kissing Treasure neck, then play with Desare'.

"Ok the food is done now",Treasure says giving Desare' a bowl of mashed potatoes , and a chicken leg.

●Treasure POV●

I gave Desare a bowl of mashed potatoes and a chicken leg, and she was eating , then all of a sudden she through her chicken leg at Roc.

"Ow",Roc said rubbing his head.

Desare just laughed.

"Desare' what are we going to do with you",I laughed.

●Taylor POV●

I was just getting home and when I got out my car, all of a sudden someone put somethingover my head.Then they picked me up and I tried kicking , but it was to late I was already put in some car and the person drove off.I hope King finds me and rescue me.

Who kiddnapped Taylor?I know y'all like" all this drama", when is it gone stop.COMMENT VOTE-BCA$H

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