Awesome Taste's.

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DEDICATED TO @TheGirlThatReads15 and @Atla12  Who have been amazing and encouraging! Especially with my (not even close to) Mid life crisis! They can also help you too! Especially when you admit over text that you like your crush who doesn't feel the same way! Just wonderful encouragement! I hope someday I will be able to encourage both of you that way! But I do not hope that you crush doesn't like you! (hehe this has gone down hill fast) Just give them a follow and read their stories. (If they have any I can't remember lol I'll go check) 

When you find out your crush (who I'm starting to get over, like maybe 30 of 1,000 of the way being over him) has the same taste in music as you.

Ok, who here listens to Daughtry? Raise your hands it's alright. We're all mad her anyways.

Yeah, plus my crush brought it up.

He even brought up one of my favorite songs. WAITING FOR SUPERMAN! SAD BUT AMAZHNAG! *jumps up and down*

Sup crush, if you're one of the one's reading this Hi. You make me uncomfortable and laugh all the time making me like you even more and it sucks because I really need to get over you. I'll explain more when you come over next time.

Just read the comments of the last chapter. 

Just my internet familia bein' encouraging! Luv You guys! 

Yeah, he loved Daughtry a lot like me. But not as much...


Never as much....

So, yeah. It's late and I should probably be sleeping but here I am listening to One direction and writing books.

#whatever #thuglife #swag #awesomesauce #awriterslifeforme #sigh #sazzygirl #thisiswattpadnottumblrsazzy #ohright #sorry #luyouall #bai !!!!!!!!! #luvyouall

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