My Face Is ON FIRE!!!

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So we got clothes from my crushes family and they had hoodies with his last name on it.

So I OBVIOUSLY took one, I mean. If I'm gonna be a part of that family anyways why not start early? Lol

So I wore it for the first tome around his family (they don't know how much we like each other but they do know that we do like each other) so it was a big step and my crush was kinda upset that I was wearing it lol.

He said and I quote, "Why are you wearing that disgusting hoodie?"

"Because I want to." Was my totally sassy reply if I do say so myself.

So I sat down to talk to his brother.. who was sitting a seat away from his mom.

She instantly took notice I was wearing one of her kids hoodies. She looked on the back at the last name and she was like. "Why are you wearing that hoodie that says (insert cool last name here)?" She gave me that sly look that totally meant, You have a claim on my son don't ya? He's pretty cute isn't he?
Well, I probably put the last part in about the cute thing but you know what I mean!

"Because I-I-" honestly I was scraping my now blank mind for words.

"Well my sister wears them all the time." I made a good excuse and my face.. goodness I'm pretty sure it was the color of a tomato.

My face felt like it was burning. I swear I was blushing so much. I just thought I could slip by without anyone (besides ze crush) noticing! But I didn't. And my face caught on fire.


Then she nods, "Yeah we have a couple more if you want them." She said and it lightened the mood. Thank God she lightened the mood.

I probably would've exploded if she hadn't.

But after she said that it was like a welcoming like what she actually meant was.

Come my dear Sazzy, my son is open for grabs. So you can take him and have him if you wish. I hereby bless your marriage.

Lol jk, jk bro. It just felt like she was welcoming me instead of being suspicious.


Lol I'm so weird but hey at least I'm funny.


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