Untitled Part 117

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Yo, I haven't been here for a super long time and I'm sorry. But here I am updating you on my life (lol like anyone wants to actually know)

Remember my crush? Who was also my boyfriend for a short bit? We're broken up..

So.... Yeah.

Just thought ya'll shouldn't still be expecting a wedding and whatnot lol. (not that you were haha)

Also we got a new floor for my our house so we had to pack everything up (so the floor could be laid) like we were going to be moving haha.

Also I have become lonely. And iI want someone to cuddle with. So if you are up for cuddling me just send me a message.

(Jk lol, you can send me virtually cuddles tho. Anything's appreciated.)

I have no friends.
Because people are fake.

That's why I like it on the internet, everyone's so honest. so if they're mad or don't like you they're tell you.

You don't have to guess.


I love you guys.

#FabulousWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt