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Wow guys... it's been forever since I've been here. I kinda feel bad lol.

No I'm not dead or anything, life's just been so busy and I don't really have anything happy or fun to share with you guys anymore.... oops

My life is ok-ish? I'm happy. I just need to trust in God a little more. Follow harder after him. Ya know, the usual struggles of a Christian.

Oh boy, so I won't update this book often? I might not even continue after this chapter lol. I mean. I'm not gonna delete it because of all the memories it holds of my past. I don't have them written anywhere else so I can't just get rid of them here.

Thank you all for reading about me and my life. Even when it got rough and things went out of order or didn't follow my plan. Thanks for comforting me during the struggles and being happy when I was happy.

Just, thank you. I miss talking to you guys.

But, this is probably all. So, goodbye! I will update when I have things to say but other than that I probably won't. 

This used to be a way to communicate to my crush without being straightforward. But since we separated I haven't had any use for it. I mean, you guys listened to me but I kinda told him I wouldn't blabber on the internet anymore about our break-up so I'm gonna keep my promise and just shut up about it.

I love you guys! See you when I can!


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