Daawwww! Shanks Bae!

36 6 3

You guys literally are the best thing ever.

(Well, you're not things. You're people...... I hope..)

You boosted my confidence and now I think I'm rockin' the blue hair...

Still nervous about what people are gonna say. But all that matters is that it's what I wanted.

(now don't go by this all the time kids.. It's fine when you're dying hair I guess but if it's like for drugs and sex then you probably shouldn't do it. Drugs are an absolute no! Sex isn't good unless you're married to the person... Otherwise if you're not married to them it's sin.. (also being gay is a sin but that's another topic) )

Also! Not pointing out people flaws! God loves you the same even after all the mistakes. Just repent and flee from your sin.. Cause sin is bad and you're going against God's laws.

He only wanted the best for you children... But you must Follow him. Not just be Fans.

Alright! Lecture over!

Thanks so all the people who commented on the last chapter! I really appreciate it!

Some of you have been with me longer than others.. Ahem! TheGirlThatReads15 

Yeah... umm. So thanks... For coming with me all this way and listening to my boring yet strange life.



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