Excerpt From A Book I'll Never Write.

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You know, I don't think we as people don't really know what true love is. Or what it looks like in action.

I think everybody thinks they know what it is though, however 'love' is defined in their eyes is probably different than the actual thing. What love actually is.

I think so many people get it wrong, like us people now say "I love that shirt." Or "I love that food." or even "I love that person." When in reality we've got it all wrong.

We really don't actually know what love is.

Sure they try to define it in dictionaries but they have it all wrong. Everyone does...

Expect for those few who have experienced real love. Real true love.

Not that fake trash the world gives us through celebrities.

Something real, something memorable. Not something to regret. Something pure and beautiful.

The world often tells us of loves that aren't actually love.

The world tells us that when we love someone only because your crush said that he didn't like you after you confessed. Or because they were the back-up plan in case your crush didn't share the same feelings.

The world tells us that it's love because everyone's supposed to have a boyfriend/girlfriend.

The world tells us it's love because they are attractive.

The world tells us it's love because you want to sleep with them.

The world tells us it's love because they buy you gifts.

The world tells us it's love because it's against the rules. A forbidden 'love'.

But real love? It never tells us about that. It only tells about the spur of the moment love. Never permanent. Never withstanding through storms like a well built house. It's always those tent kind of loves that blow away at every harsh wind. Not firm. Not connected.

Real love though, it's different.

It's about putting the other person above yourself.

It's about dying to what you want to give them what they want. No, this shouldn't be one sided. Both should be trying to do the same if it's true love.

It's about being willing to sacrifice your own safety, health, even your life to keep them happy and safe.

It's about being willing to let them go, let them leave, because they'll be happier if they do.

It's about keeping them above yourself.

You are the servant.

They are royalty.

Like a servant constantly waits on his king or queen you must on your person.

Constantly protecting them from harm.

Even if it means you life.

That's what true love is.

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