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I was watching Zootopia for the first time and literally all I can think about is Percabeth.

I mean like Percabeth is in their essence. I mean, I wanna make Percabeth comics from the movie.

And I'm not a child, but I kinda wish Nick actually got shot with the stuff. Like I kinda wished Elsa would've tapped into her evil side a little more.

I dunno, I just want darker characters, to build a thick plot with a bunch of surprises and thrills and-

Yeah, children can't ever read my books...

But honestly though when Nick wore his sunglasses as a police officer I was like: he's hot.

But then I remembered he was a fox.


Gosh I realized I have a type though, my favorite characters are always always the cocky ones who joke and are I dunno-? Extremely attractive? But they are in charge, and the guy knows how to handle a woman and is just cocky. I dunno.

Haha, funny tho I don't see my crush as cocky...

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