Rant (#PrayForSazzy)

31 8 5

My stupidly attractive and handsome and just loveable crush just is so wonderful but I currently do not like his parents.

Well, they kinda restricted our whole relationship so I'm just gonna go listen to songs about revenge and not do anything about it.

But because of these *through teeth* awesome! Rules! Guess what we can't do?



*sobs* the one time I liked people touching me..

(NOT INAPPROPRIATELY, jeez. Ya'll got dirty minds. We just cuddle. We don't even kiss yet guys.)

Though his brother does call us married, which I'm fine with ya know? Just buy me a ring and you'll fair off fine, maybe you'll get some kisses Idk.

Lol I actually can't kiss him because God told me not to till I'm 16. (He hates the word 16 now hehe) he wants to kiss me really badly.

So uhm, yeah. He got me into the Lord of the Rings. Any of you guys out there? He'll say hi. (Maybe idk)

So yeah, I'm just gonna weep because we can't cuddle anymore. Or hold hands. Or sit together. Or be alone in a room together.

It's probably really smart but I just want him all to myself and I'm just weird like that lol.

You probably shouldn't date me.

Lol not you crush you're fine.

But every guy in general. I'm not cute, I have blue hair(even tho it looks green, chill Sazzy), *breaths in* I'm clumsy, I'm chubby, I'm rude (#salty), and I just don't know what I'm doing in general.

I don't want to go to college, yet I want to travel the world and own a ranch when I come back. I dunno, I guess I'll just be stupid hehe.



#FabulousDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora