Trick Or Treat? I Prefer Tricks Tbh.

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So today.. Halloween.. it was kinda crazy...

(Compared to my boring normal life lol! don't judge me)

So I was told by my crush who invited me over to trick or treat but then he said he didn't have a costume so I wasn't planning on coming. So I was like: Yo I'll just ride my horse!

(I have a horse btw sorry)

Then while I was finishing my school up I got a text and it was from my crush... Asking if I was coming trick or treating....

I was like, whoa yo. I thought you didn't have a costume. Then he told me he was going as Batman lol.

So then I was like sure!

Then he said I had to come at 5...

It was 4:15... And I still needed to put on my costume... And make my mast since I wasn't planning on going I handy mad it.... And he lives 30 minutes away...

So I was like AHHHH! And freaking out. So I told my mom and I started to rip my clothes off and put on my Chat Noir costume.. lol I'm the girl version tho....

I almost forgot my ears lol

So we left and I made my mast on the way.  Which I get carsick so it was kinda like: oh yeah, halfway done.. oh my stomach.


So we got there and left to trick or treat bringing back child memories of when I went with my sister...

They all ditched me and left me with the parents... *shakes head* rude

But tonight was ok...

But everyone kept calling me Catwoman....


lol, so then the group I was with kept calling me that.

Then my crushes older sister's hubby/husband lol started teasing us about how we planned it out. Cause Catwoman and Batman kinda... Ya know... They've had things... In the past...

Lol so he was all like "I can see through your Charade." And I was all like "well it's probably easy since there isn't one." Seriously tho. We hadn't planned it lol.

And he was not giving up on that...

Lol someone called me an old lady too..

I'm THAT wrinkly.




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