chapter 2

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"Well do you want to talk" he continues to sob but agrees that he wants to talk about whatever appened.

i take a seat next to him. " what is your name"i ask trying to comfort him.

"My names harry" he states calmly. "My name is Danielle" 

"Danielle I am so scared I don't know what to do. I can't go home" he sobs and it breaks my heart seeing this sweet broken bot right in front of me.

"How come?" I ask, scared of the answer he will give me.

"Home... its hell. my dad comes home from work always so angry and he takes his fucking problems out on me." He begins to sob out again I feel bad I can tell how hard this is and I don't know what to do.

He finally gets him self back together and begins to talk again. "I get beat 24-7. They don't give shit about me. My dad always calls me names and takes his anger out on me. My mom is the same she screams at me for stupid shit. Throws stuff at me. I really don't even want to be here anymore." I don't know what to say.

"My mom kicked me out of the house today. She seriously doesn't care if i come home. I don't want to anyway." "So what are you going to do now?" "I am probably going to stay here for a while I mean I have no where else to go. "Harry, I don't think that's a good idea." "What other choice is there" He says quite angry.

I don't know what to say. So I decide to let him cool down a little bit before I say another word.

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