chapter 19

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  (This chapter is  kind of rated R)

 I don't even know where mom is or if she got a cab yet, but right now i can careless where the fuck she is. The taxi driver pulled up to Gramps house and I knew it was going to be hell. I walked up to the door and knocked. Some person that I am unfamiliar with answered the door, but she recognized me right away. 

"Dani? Ah Come in, Come in!" The nice woman pulls me into a hug and lets me inside. 

"Where is your mom?" 

"Shes coming, we just took separate cars, she was taking to long and I ran out of patience" I lie. 

"Oh I cant wait to see her I haven't seen her in ages." She says as Aunt Toni walks in. I jump out of my seat to greet her! 

"Aunt Toni!" I haven't seen her since I was maybe 10 when we went to Disney land as a family. 

"Awe Danielle, how much you have grown into a beautiful young woman" She gives me the adult talk, after people dont see me for a while. 

"I see you met Alex." 

"Who is she" I whisper to my aunt hoping it was to loud 

"Shes the house cleaning lady, you haven't been to gramps house since you were little so you probably don't remember her, after grandma passed we hired her to help around the house." That makes sense. 


Shortly after catching up with my Aunt the doorbell rings. Great. I want to run and go somewhere, anywhere but here. But i cant i don't know where to go. 

Liam walks in shorts and and a white tank top obviously to show off muscles, the front of his hair is spiked up with black shades. 

My mouth nearly falls to the ground. What? Why am I getting all worked up, why is ,y heart racing right now, we haven't even made eye contact yet. Is this happening? My mom follows right behind him. Everyone is confused on why he is here. I don't blame them, I still don't understand why he came.

Almost every one in the room shouted Oh Katherine it so nice to see you, Katherine this Katherine that if i hear her name on more time I don't know what I will do. She nicely introduces Liam to everyone. 

Liam takes his time to get through the mob of people that are swarming him, welcoming him into the house. He finally acknowledged me sitting on the couch by myself. Not exactly sure if I wanted him to notice me. 

But Liam started wandering toward me. It was almost as if this was happening in slow motion, or what you would see in the movies. It feels as if it takes hours for him to get over to me. His hair slightly moves as he walks, his lips pull into a smirk, my heart. My heart begins to race. I was pretty sure that my heart was going to pop out of my chest any second. 

"Hey Dani" Liam says standing only a few feet apart from me. But I stand to greet him and oddly enough i reach out for a hug. 

"How ya been we haven't talked in awhile." Unpleasant memories flush back into my head, from when we crashed into each other at McDonald's 

"Pretty good, your self?" 

"I have been okay." 

"Well that's good." 

"So what have you been up too?" Um.. 

"Oh you know just stuff with my friends and school that's really it." 

"Well that's good, your keeping up with your school work, your mom told me how a few weeks back you been distracted from school because someone was in the hospital." Shit. 

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