Chapter 12

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(Sorry its short will be posting again hopefully tonight.)

I have been sitting in this room for hours now. Harry does not seem to be coming back anytime soon, so I think I will just go home.

The next morning I decide not to go to Harry. I think today I am going to call Liam. I miss him.

Liam is meeting me at the mall in 15 minutes. We are going to spend the day together. I grab my keys and head to the mall.

When I get there Liam is standing at the main entrance. I park the car and walk to him. Once he notices me the biggest smile comes across his face and he runs towards me. He takes me in his arms and spins me around.

I have missed this.

"Dani how are you!"

" I'm good, long time no see!"

After greeting each other we then walk inside and sit in the food court. Liam got us some churros and drinks and I got a table.

"So how have you been we haven't talked in a coupe weeks?" Liam says walking back to the table.

"Pretty good, what about you?" I lie

"Well I just recently broke up with Samantha."

"Oh no! What happen?"

"It just wasn't working out for us."

"Aw, I'm sorry Liam"

"It's fine, no big deal."

"So are you seeing anyone?" Liam ask. I have no idea what to say, Should I lie? What about Harry?

"Not at the moment no"

"Oh that's good"


"Um, Uh, Never mind" He stutters.

After hours of catching up we go our different ways and make plans to have dinner tomorrow night.

I have honestly forgot how close me and Liam were. I love being so close with him. Seeing him today brought back so many memories.

As soon as I get in my car I check my phone to see if I have any missed calls. I was surprised to have no missed calls from the hospital. I decide to stay away from Harry for awhile. So I can decide about if I have feelings towards him.

Just as I was about to go to sleep my phone goes off. It repeatedly beeps so I check to see who it is. It is Liam. What does he need at 3 in the morning?

*Hey are you sleeping* the text said.

*I was just going to go to sleep. Why?*

*I was thinking about today when we were at the mall and how much I missed you and I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend*

*Wow Liam I feel the same I missed you so much.*

*So are you saying yes?* Am I?


*If you need more time to think about it I will give you time. I will give you as much time as you need.* These words, these exact words, these are one of the last words Harry said to me before everything happened. Then all the memories and everything with him enters my head.

*Um yeah I will think about it. Good night.*

Harry the one I barely know but care so much for, or Liam the one I have known for so many years and have so much in common with.

Why.. Why did this have to happen now. I really do like Harry. As messed up as it sounds the way his sadness takes over him, makes me want him.

I want to be his source of happiness. I want to see him smile. I want to know everything about him.

But on the other hand, there is Liam. the one who I have known for 5 years and who I have become very close to.

(Thanks for reading please comment your opinions and keep voting)

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