Chapter 5

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(Hi guys sorry for the wait. Hope you like it!! Please feel free to comment any questions you have. Just in case it comes up Danielle's nickname is Dani.)

Danielle's POV

The Paramedics quickly get harry into the ambulance. We rush to the hospital.

The paramedics are talking about Harrys injuries but I cant keep up with the medical vocabulary.

The only thing I understood was he is not gaining consciousness.

Im scared out of my mind. The boy that I am crushing on is in this ambulance hurt!

We finally get to the hospital. They get the gurney out that Harry's broken body is resting on.

The paramedics rush us to the the emergency room. Where they put us in a sectioned of corner. One of the paramedics said a nurse should be in shortly.

I can't help it but to think this is all my fault. If I never left the school when I did, I would probably be talking with him right now.

I look at his body. The bones sticking out of his body. So many cuts and bruises. This is all my... "Hi my name is Laura" a women's voice says interrupting my thoughts. "Hi I am Danielle" "You must be his girlfriend right?" Um... I want to be. "Oh no. I am not his girlfriend" "Anyway. We need to get Harrys test done now. Since he is still unconscious the doctors want this done now." "When is his first test?" "We would like to start right away." I nod in agreement as she wheels Harry's gurney around the hospital. We drop him off at the testing area and she assures me that Harry will be fine. "Here follow me" Laura says.

"This is where Harry will be staying for awhile. After his test he will need to be in the hospital for awhile." "For how long?" "Probably a couple of months" As the words fall out of her mouth I find it harder to breathe. What are we going to do? "But here take a rest. Harry wont be back in the room for a couple of hours take a nap you need it" I thank her for giving Harry this private room.

I decide I will take a quick nap. This has been an very hard morning. I almost can't keep up.

When I wake up to a annoying buzzing and ringing sound. I finally realized it was my phone and my mom was calling.

"Hi mom" I have a feeling this isn't going to end well.

"Dani oh my god! Where have you been?"

"I went for a jog this morning when i woke up and then... well now i'm at the hospital"

"The.. The hospital! Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"Im fine mom. God you can breathe a little."

"Where are you i'm coming."

"Im at St.Jude's Hospital."

"Ill be there in a half hour"

"Ok" and i hung up. That was not how I expected it to happen. She thinks I'm like hurt or something.

Nope. I just caused it. This is still all my fault no matter what anyone says. I can't live with myself for this.

I decide to take another short nap while my mom comes. I will need the energy for what is about to happen.

( Hope you guys liked it!! Please vote! <3)

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