Chapter 6

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I wake to a loud buzzing and ringing sound. Only to find out its my mom.

Her phone went off. When did she get here?

"What the hell happened Dani?" Im not fully awake yet. How do I explain everything?

"Mom i am fine..." I lie. "I'm not hurt or anything" "Well why the fuck are you in the hospital? I need answers missy."

Here it goes.

"Okay mom.. So you know how I run like every morning." "Yeah?" "Well, I mostly run by the school for one reason. There is this boy." "Boy? What!" She rudely interrupts my sentence.

"A lot of the time when I run he is usually there. He always had some type of problem he would be screaming, punching the wall, and stuff. For whatever reason I want to do my best to help him. Today, when I ran early this morning he was their. I finally talked to him. He has problems at home and the school is where he comes to let out his anger." I take a second to breathe because its starting to get hard to talk about this.

"I still do not understand how you need to be at the hospital."

Well if you gave me a minute I would tell you mom.

"Well, something happened that gave Harry the idea to run. So I chased after him. I couldn't keep up. So I traced my steps trying to find him. He ended up being on the roof. He told me to leave. So I left for a little bit. When I came back... Harry jumped off the the roof and I saw his fragile body shatter in front of me."

This is harder than I thought.

"So I quickly ran over to him. He clearly was hurt. He looked into my eyes for two seconds all I saw was pain. Then his eyes shut and he wouldn't respond. I quickly called 911. And we came here so..."

"Wow." Is the only thing that she says. Really? We don't say anything for well over a half hour.

Laura came in with some papers. She asked me to fill them out.

Most of them were questions about my address, phone number, and stuff about Harry.

After I fill out the sheets I bring out the sheets to the desk outside of the room, where Laura is.

"Hey honey, did you put down your number or your mom's" Laura asked.

"I put mine down." "Okay. Thanks just so we know who we are calling." "Okay." I feel this conversation getting weird.

"The doctors just came by. They said he will not be able to seen to late tonight. So you guys can go home if you need." She says. "Okay. I think I will stay." "Are you sure? It is going to be a long time before he's able to have visitors. I promise as soon as we get word he is on his way to his room. We will call you immediately."

"Well I guess I can go home." "Okay sweetie." She says so kind it almost makes my mood happier.

"Will you be here later?" For whatever reason I feel like really good friends with her. She only looks a couple years older than me. "Yes, I will. See you later." A smile comes across my face and I wave goodbye.

(Hey guys thanks for reading. Do you like it? :) Hope so! Keep voting ily! )

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