Chapter 16

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Dani's POV

After rushing to the hospital last night, i finally get home around. Its almost 8:30. Should I go to school? I will be like a zombie, walking around the school half asleep. Mom won't let me stay home just for having no sleep. Shes going to come wake me up in about an hour, when she gets home from the gym. She goes to the gym every morning before she goes to work.

Just before she got home, i made some hot chocolate and stuck the thermometer in the hot liquid. I took it out just as she walked in the door. I dumped the drink in the sink and she saw the temperature and called the school, then got ready for work. In the meantime, I went back to sleep.


After noon, I get ready and decide to go McDonald's for some lunch. The drive-thru line was going out the parking lot, I decide to save myself sometime and go inside.

"Hi welcome to McDonald's what can I get you?" The cashier says friendly

"Ill have the number 2 meal and a small drink please"

"Is that it?"


"Okay that will be $7.25"

I hand the cashier the money and I go sit by myself at a table, I didn't feel like going home at the momment. As i was walking to the table i looked down at my phone to see what time it was and the cults that I am I crashed into someone and dropped everything. I bend down to get my food I look up to see its Liam. Great of course he is here.

"Dani?" He says and I honestly just wanna run and hope he doesn't follow

"Hi Liam, how are you?"

"Great now!" He did not just use that line, thats so old. I fight to show a smile because I really don't know what to say.

"Do you want to sit?" He ask. I nod because I feel rude not to, but I know this wont end well.

"Soooo..." This is awkward already.

"I really miss hanging out with you."

"Yeah, me to" I lie

"You know you never got back to me about you and I going out, if I remember correctly." I really thought I texted him about Harry

"Oh.. Um"

"Come on you honestly can't tell me that you don't feel the same way right now, when were with each other its like no one else matters, your all I think about. We would be perfect. You know everything about me from being so close over the years. This isn't happening.

"Liam, I.."

He randomly lifts his hand to my chin and leans in for a kiss. I back away instantly and take my hand and back hand him. I take my lunch and run to my car as quick as I can. Of course he has to follow me and didn't get the hint that I am not interested because he's running after me saying please! Pleasee! Please! Thankfully I got to my car before he caught up to me. I step on the gas an get the hell out of there.

I dont think I should go home because Liam knows where I live so thats not even an option to go home right now. I am out of ideas. Where do I go? I just turned on the radio and wherever I end up well then I guess that where Ill be. I guess it was like my car was on autopilot. I didn't even know where I was going. But sure enough, the car did, with in minutes I was at the hospital. On the way up to the hospital for what ever reason all I can think about is how I smacked Liam across the face and than ran away from him with out saying a word.

We are such close friends I don't want anything to change. But.. I don't know things have become awkward and I hate it. Ever wince he basically asked me out its like were two different people. I dont even know if I would have said yes in the first place. I would want to jeopardize our friendship. Secondly he asked me over text. That is not how I like to be asked out. Harry asked me out in person. It wasn't in a romantic setting as I would have liked but what can I expect, were in a hospital for gods sake. But with everything that happen with Harry I couldn't picture myself with anyone else.

After what seems like hours, I finally get to Harrys floor and rush to his room.

"Hey!" I say walking into Harry's room

"Hey Dani" i sit next to him on the bed and he wraps his arm around me

"So what happen with school? Its only like 1:00. Doesn't school get out at 400?"

"Yeah I faked being sick" Harry raises his eyebrow and starts laughing


"Yeah I did the old bit when you put the thermometer in something hot. I knew I would be a zombie if i went to school. When I got the call from the hospital and almost had a heart attack at like 5 in the morning"

"Sorry about that" he frowns. Its kinda cute the way his face looks.

"Its okay, as long as your not hurt."

"Um, Dani?"


"You just said the call from the hospital gave you a heart attack, why?" His voice is now shaky and raspy and the expression on his face is full of fear his eyes, are beginning to water a little bit and its sad to see him this way"

"Well the hospital was calling real early in the morning, I thought something horrible happened"

"Why would care?" What

"What do you mean why would I care?"

"Why would it matter?"

"Because Harry, it kills me to see you hurt or in pain. So the thought something happened freaked me out."

"Im sorry, Dani I dont know why I am doing this. Its just I keep having this this thought that you don't care and your going to leave me" hearing this literally breaks my heart. We still barely no each other and he's this scared of loosing me. Probably because I show him I care and were going out I really don't know.

(Hey guys sorry its kinda short. And sorry i haven't posted i just had surgery and haven't been able to do much. Im in so much pain. But i haven't posted in a while so i needed to get in there. Sorry again and thanks for the patience)

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