Chapter 9

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What?? He just asked me if i liked him! He just gain consciousness like 20 minutes ago. How is this happening.

A million things are going through my head. But Harry's voice keeps getting in. "Hello? Dani. Do you like me in that way.?" Should I tell him.

"I... I..." I stutter. "Listen, I know this is a lot to ask right now I can give you time." This feels very awkward. "Yeah, I need to think about it."

"Im just going to walk around for a little bit I will be back. Okay?"

"Okay." I can tell he is scared or sad.

I need to find Laura.

She is sitting at the desk. "Hey Laura"

"Hey Dani!"

"Can we talk?" I ask hoping she will say yes. Thankfully we do. She takes me to the cafe and we have a cup of coffee.

"What's up? Everything ok?"

"Um its Harry" just saying his name makes my face flush. I feel my face starting to get red.

"He has only been conscious for like less than an hour... and he asked me so many questions."

"Well thats great. If he is asking questions thats great health wise."

"Well he was asking me questions about him, like why I was there, why do I care, and umm if I like him in that way."

"Oh.. Well you do, don't you?"

"I think Im really not sure."

"Well what did you say when he asked."

"I didn't know what to say so I stuttered. He said He would give me time to think." I inform her.

"Well, do you feel this is right? Or do you even want to go out with him?"

"I think I do, I just don't know." This is so hard I can't think straight anymore.

"Don't force anything to happen either. Don't do it if your unsure."

She is right, its not a smart idea to do it if I'm not I am unsure. But I don't think that is the problem.

"Yes I know. But see my biggest thing is I don't know anything about him. Other than that I really want to"

"Well then I think you should go for it. I have heard as so many relationships that start with total strangers. Believe it our not they fall in love and become soul mates."

I laugh at her words. I really don't know why. Maybe because it really does describe me and Harry right now.

I decide to take her advice and say yes to Harry.

After Laura and I talk a little more we head back up to Harry's floor.

As soon as we step in the elevator my heart races. Judging by Laura's smirk she knows whats going on right now.

When we step off the elevator my heart nearly stops when I see so many doctors running with a gurney down the hall. It was Harry.

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