Chapter 8

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I don't know what to do. What is Harry going to think when he sees me here in the room with him? Will he want his parents. Does he have any feelings for me like I have for him? Why do I like him again. I am not sure but all I know is I really want him to wake up.

Too pass time I decide to watch twilight again. This is my third time this week watching it. Now that I watch it more and more I in away am Bella.

She feels attracted to Edward but know nothing about him. Just something about him makes her feel this way. I feel very attracted to Harry although he is a stranger to me. His sadness grabs my attention. All I want to do is make him happy.

The movie finally ended. I needed to get a drink so I left the room for a couple of minutes. On my way back from the cafeteria I stop and talk to Laura again. Then she tells me she will be back to visit me shortly.

When I get back to the room I decide to call my friend Shay. "Hey where were you today." "I was sick" I lie, I couldn't say the whole story over again, not now. "Oh." "Yeah, How are you to today?" "Good. Louis is coming over soon. We are seeing a movie." Oh fun" "Well I have to go get ready I will call you later." "okay."

"Hey how are you holding up?" A familiar voice says coming from the door. "Not well." "Aw I am sorry." "You know what is bad?" "What?" Laura says. " I have said his a million times but ill say it again. Laura this is driving me insane why do I like him so much. I know nothing about him. Yet he is all I think of?" "Well all I can say is we do crazy things, and everything happens for a reason." Laura and I continue to chat a little but I kept thinking of what she said. "Everything happens for a reason."

I vaguely hear her say I got to get back to work. I pull my chair over to Harry and sit closer to him. I hear a soft sound fall from his mouth. I nearly jumped out of the chair. "Harry?" His eyes begin to flutter open. "Da. . da.. Danielle?" His first words were my name wow. "Harry!" what do I say. I can't seem to say anything else but his name.

"Yo.. your here." He manages to say. My heart races when he talks. "Why wouldn't I be here" I see his damaged face try and smile. It still is hard seeing him in a full body cast.

I went to get Laura to her Harry is now conscious. Then she brought over Dr.Brooks and they gave him some medicine.

Harry is now able to speak more fluently. "Danielle umm, I kind of can't drink. Can you help me?" "Yes of course!"

After minutes of awkward silence Harry starts asking me questions. "How long have you been at the hospital." "Since this morning." "Why didn't you leave." "I... I didn't want to leave you" "Come here."

I walked closer. "Closer." So I walked closer. "closer." Again I walked closer. "What are you afraid of.. Come here." I moved. "Lean down" I follow his orders. Now we are face to face. I am leaning over his broken body trying not to touch him. "Why did you come back to the school when you saw me jump?" His words rip at my heart, bringing me back to when this actually happened. it was only yesterday but it feels like months ago.

I began to tear up in front of him with the image of him jumping and him being in the hospital is all my fault. I began to pull away. but he quickly catches on and says wait. I just stop and close my eyes to stop the tears.

I was completely shocked by his actions. The rest of his body stay still, but he jerks his neck out.His soft lips attached to mine. He instantly made the pain go away for a couple of minutes. When we pull away he asks why I care about him so much. I tell him that I am unsure. I really am though. I am so attracted to him but I don't understand why.

This all just such awkward timing. I was just having this confusing story with Laura and now it is actually happening with Harry.

I decide to move from being close to harry before something else happens. I am overwhelmed and shocked when he says "Do you like me.. in you know that way."

( hope you guys enjoyed! I will post in the morning or sometime tomorrow! Love you guys! keep voting!)

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