Chapter 7

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After talking with Laura I walk back to where Harry will be staying, that my mom is in.

"Mom, the nurse just told me that Harry will not be back into the room till later tonight, so we can go home for now." "Okay. Well I know a lot is on your mind with your crush being in the hospital and everything so I will call you in sick from school." Is he my crush? Yeah, I think so.

"Okay." Well at least I have tonight and the weekend to stay at the hospital with Harry. Well even though as of now he is still unconscious.

"Do you want to go get some breakfast from the deli?" She asks as we are walking in the parking lot. "Sure, why not" I fell asleep on the way home and to the deli. I woke up when we were home. My mom got my favorite breakfast, an egg sandwich with sausage cheese and bacon.

The day went by pretty quick. After we ate I did some studying, I watched Twilight and got some things ready to stay over at the hospital.

I began to watch another movie while waiting for Laura or somebody from St.Jude's to call.

The movie ended just when my phone rang. I quickly fumbled to get it from under the blankets and answered.

"Hello?" "Hi Danielle, its Laura." "Hey" "Harry will be up in his room in about 2 hours. So whenever you want to come is completely fine." "Hey Laura, is it fine if I stay over. Or is there visiting rules or something. "Um well if its okay with you parents its ok." Good I don't plan on leaving. This is my fault he is in the hospital. "Okay. I should be there in a half hour or so."

"See ya then sweetie." Then ended the call.

I ran around the house like a lunatic trying to find mom. She was outside. Of all places I didn't look there, her favorite spot. She was next to her beautiful garden that me and her started when I was little. She was laying on a hammock that was tied between two trees.

"Mom!" I scream running toward her.

She nearly jumps out of her skin. "What?" "Harry's coming back. Can you drive me to the hospital." I say all out of breath. "I guess." She rolls her eyes and I grab her hand and run towards the house. She must think I'm crazy. I don't care I just need to be at the hospital.

When we get in the car I make sure I have everything and then we leave the house.

I wonder when he will gain consciousness. I wonder if he remembers seeing me. I was the last thing he saw before he went out.

I really wanna talk with him. I just wanna hear his voice. His soft voice. I wanna see his brown eyes. His playful curly brown hair. I need to see him.

We finally get to the hospital. I made my mom agree to let me stay over night a couple times. But she said only exception is she has to visit at least once a day.

I make my way up to the 4th floor. When I see Laura right away. She greets me and walks me to Harry's room. She sits down on the chair at the table.

The room is quite decent . It has a tv, a small couch, a hospital bed, a table, and two chairs.

"How are you?" Laura says. " I... Well I could be better." She nods her head and I hear a slight chuckle fall out. "Do you want to talk about it?" "Yes, actually I do."

"But first. Shouldn't you be working?" I laugh. "Well yes, but i volunteer to help around. Im only 17, so I get away with it. Im aloud to talk to you don't worry." Well she's only a year older then me thats why i feel so close to her I guess.

"So Harry?" She changes the subject. "Yeah?" I don't know what to say. "If you guys aren't dating... what is happening?" I honestly don't know.

"Well I run. I run almost everyday. I always run by the school that is near my house. Harry is usually there. When he is there he has some type of issue. He would be screaming, crying, punching the wall. Whatever reason I wanted to do the best I can to help him. As messed up as it sounds his sadness and depression makes me want to be with him. I want to make his pain go away. I want him to be happy. At home Harry's parents treat him like complete shit. They make fun of him, beat him, scream at him and other just cruel things."

"Wow. That is just horrible. I would never treat my kids or anyone like that." "The reason I feel like I have to stay at the hospital is because this is basically my fault." I nearly choke as the words fall out of my mouth again.

"This is not your fault. No one can control his actions. Harry is in a sad depressed stage, so the best option for him was this." "If I didn't leave like he asked me too I could have saved him. He wouldn't be in this critical condition. All of this is my fault." now I began to cry. This is so much to handle right now.

Laura gets off her chair and comes to where I'm sitting on the bed. She wraps her arms around me trying her best to comfort me. After talking with Laura for a little while longer the doctors bring Harry back to the room.

My heart sinks when I see broken Harry. He is now in a fully body cast. When Laura sees my reaction I see a tear fall from her face.

The doctor walks over to me. "Hi, I am Dr.Brooks."  "Hi, I am Danielle" "Okay Danielle I'm just going to fill you in on the stuff with Harry."

Oh god this is going to be hard to listen to. "Harry has a broken jaw, both arms, both legs, and a fractured foot. unfortunately he is still unconscious . Hopefully he should be okay by tomorrow. "Okay. Thank you." "No problem see you around."  Dr.Brooks leaves but Laura stays. "Are you okay?" "Nope but I will eventually." "Well I have to go back to work I will  come back in a little bit to check on you." "Okay" I say as she leaves the room. I take the chair and drag it over to Harry. I can't believe this is happening. I really hope he gains consciousness tomorrow.

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