chapter 18

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Dani POV

I woke up at 630 but I set my alarm for 8. So I got dressed and I went for a jog. I put on my music and didn't even know where I was going. I ended up on the opposite side of town. After I got a cup of coffee that I found on the corner, I found my way back home to get ready for school.

I walked into the door and my mom was pacing back and forth, why isn't she at work? "Hey mom your home?" "Yeah, they gave me the day off." She says and continues pacing in a faster motion. "Mom what's wrong?" "Aunt Elisa just called your Gramps isn't doing well." As the words fall out of her mouth I nearly loose the ability to stand. making me fall and instantly start to cry out on the floor.

Gramps is my moms dad, he is one of the most important people in my life. I haven't seen or talk him in a couple of months. I am so scared of loosing him. I already lost my dad a few years back. Gramps is always full of joy. Just seeing him can brighten anybody's Day. When I was little we were always over his house. I remember watching home videos of me and him sitting on his deck out in the backyard. we were sitting on the steps, we were blowing bubbles a lot. One time I saw when he was eating a banana and feeding me parts of the banana and he ate a part of the banana peel and he gave me a piece of the banana peal and I threw it at him and we both laughed. Even though I don't remember being with him that little I wish I can go back.

"Mom what do you mean he is ill." "Well, your aunt wasn't very clear on what exactly happen or what he has but she wants us to come and visit us soon." This doesn't sound good and its scarring me. "When are we going to go see him?" "I am going to try and get tickets for this weekend." "I got to get ready for school." I cant stand to talk about my ill grandfather, the one who means the world to me.

On my way to school I was so distracted with everything with my mom jut told me that I almost got into 2 car accidents. I can tell this is going to be a hard day. I cant wait to go see harry. I haven't gone in two days.

The day felt like it was dragging, I keep banging Into people, Jamie knew something was up but I couldn't even talk about. I finally got out of hell, and drove to harry.

I get to his room and once he acknowledged me he walked over to me and pushed me against the wall and put his arms above my head.

"Ello love" his voice is so playful I love it

"well that is one way to say hello" I laugh into his mouth as we attach lips. His hands slide down the wall and onto my hips and kisses my neck. We are interrupted by a knock at the door. We both jumped away from each other but I backed into the wall so that was kind of weird.

Its Laura. She was bringing the discharge papers they are letting him come home today. She puts the papers on the bed and walks out but before she leaves she jokes around saying don't swallow each other.

My eyes dart to Harry and his eyes are bugged out and his face is now beat red. Which for whatever reason humors me. We fill out the papers and head out to my car. Harry must have forgot what outside looked like being trapped in the hospital for months.

We decide to stop at the deli to get a hero sandwich. As we get the food and get back in the car it finally hits him. Hard. I knew this was coming. He is afraid to go home. When I asked exactly where his house was, when I didn't get a response I knew this wasn't going to end well.

I finally got an answer out of him on where his house was but I he begged me not to go home just yet. So I asked him where to go and he said anywhere but home. You know what I find hard to believe? his parents haven't even came to the hospital, once.

I decide to go back to my house, its getting late and I need to pack for tomorrow, my mom texted me we have an early flight to see Gramps.

"where are we going" Harry questions.

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