Chapter 21

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Danis POV

I woke up in the middle of the night, from a horrible dream. it was about Harry and all how he was treated before he me. What if he is being treated like this right now? I am not there to help him. No one else is. I get off the couch that mom is still sleeping on. I get my self a drink from the kitchen before going to my room. The vision of my dream keeps playing i my head. It feels so real. Its killing me knowing I am hours away from him and he can be home being treated horribly and getting right back to where he started months ago.

Harrys POV

The only thing keeping me alive right now is knowing Dani will be home in a couple of days. I feel weird that Dani is my only reason to live but its the truth. I have no family. My parents dont even care i was gone for so long. They think i went on some school trip thing. Really? I told them i wasnt at on a trip i was in the fucking hospital. They didnt care. Instead they abused me. Throwing objects and shit at me saying "dont joke around about being in the hospital" i told them numerous times i was really in the hospital but they didn't care. This morning we were in the living room watching tv and the there was a knock at the door. "You'll get it" Mom says. I hesitantly get up to open the door to a great surprise.

"Louis! Hey man what are you doing here."

"Well I heard through people that you were in the hospital and it was pretty serious?"

"Yeah, well not now."

"Obviouisly? What happen man." We walked to out to sit on the porch so my parents didn't over hear.

"Lou, when you left you dont understand what happen. You honestly were my only real friend. Everyone else told me I had no purpose in life. Everyone bullied me. Half of me was missing. I was always at your house after school, sometimes even before. Now I have no where to be, so I am home. I forgot how cruel my parents were to me. They drove me insane. Abused me, disrespected me and just didn't treat me like a human. To the point where it was unbearable. So i attempted suicide"

"Harry, man i didn't know it was that rough. Suicide? What happen!"

"I went up to the school and I was sitting against the school on the sidewalk crying my eyes out like a god damn baby, then this girl, she was out for a run or something and noticed me. Her name is Dani. She asked if I was okay. Ive seen her alot we might have in the same grade. But It was the first time we properly met. After she asked me questions about everything created this feeling. A feeling that you want to just rage and loose control. I ran to the back of the school hoping she wouldn't follow. But of course she followed. But i managed my way up to the roof. I told her to leave me the fuck alone. I regret that, I will for the rest of my life. She came back just in enough time. I jumped off the roof and crashed to the ground. She collapsed to the ground crying screaming "HARRY!" Probably scared to death. The last thing I remember is she said she called 911 and they were on the way. Then I finally woke up in the hospital with her by my side and I was in a cast." The horrid thoughts flood my memory instantly and it felt like it just happened. I was shocked she was there. We barely knew each other at the time.

"Wow, if she didn't come back you would have been screwed man."

"I know. Sometimes I wish I wasnt saved."

"Dont talk like that."

"Well its true."

"Well thank god she saved your fucking ass."

"Yeah well I guess."

"This all started because of me leaving for fucking private school"

"Dont do this to your self."

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