Chapter 20

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Previously in help.. I tug at Liams shirt and he takes it off showing off his 6 pack. He then takes of my shirt and he takes off his pants and everything. Our body's collide at such force it hurts but it feels good. Liam finds the crease in my neck and buries his face in it. Sucking in deep sharp breathes. 

 He sucks harder and harder, working his way down from my neck to my breast, to  my stomach to my thighs.

Then we both lay there in each others arms in a cramped car. Looking at the windows and It looks like the scene from Titanic when the windows are all fogged up. That is Liams car right now.  

 "Oh. My.God What Did I just Do" 


Danis POV

"I am not sure." Liam says. 

This is so complex right now, whatever just happened a few moments ago was I can't even come up with words to describe this feeling. 

It feels so right but it feels so wrong. I'm with Harry. Fuck. I cant do this. 

"Why can't we be together." He eagerly says. 

"Because Liam, We cant." 

"But we just.."

'Yes,Liam I know what fucking happened, I was there. Get dressed I wanna go home." 

"Um Okay." 

We get dressed in the small cramped car and in silence. While I try to gather some thoughts in my head on how to avoid Liam for the next few days. 

We did good. We were almost home before he opened that damn mouth of his. With that same question. 

"Dani.. Why?"

"Holy shit Liam. Stop. I am drunk and I am not thinking straight." 

"Well if you werent thinking straight before your not thinking straight now, so tomorrow will be a different answer. right?'

"No Liam. Fuck. Do you not comprehend English? I am not interested and wont be tomorrow, or they next day and the day after that." The words come out harsh and crisp but I don't care at the moment I need to get the point into that mind of his that I am not interested. 

Sometimes I feel as i am talking to a wall or if i say one thing it goes straight through one ear and out the other. 

Thankfully we arrive back at gramps and I rush into the house before Liam can even turn of the car. I go Straight to where i am staying for the next few nights and lock the door. I am going to be here for a while. 

I lay down and begin to listen to some of my music. I didn't even have any control over it I just broke down and cried. 

I guess mom must have heard me while passing the door or liam told her to check on me.

"Danielle sweetie, Are you okay?" 

"No," Might as well just get this off my chest now. 

"Unlock the door can we talk?" 

I let my mom entrance and we sit on the bed to chat. 

"Whats going on?" 

"Everything." I vaguely say. 

"Well Hun, to help you I'm going to need more information" 

"I know" I sigh in between my sniffles from crying. 

"its just boy stuff" 

"what happened?"

"Well one thing is I am dating Harry." I say hoping she will not have a fit about this. 

"Well I kinda figured that would happen when you were always at the hospital and when he was at our house the other night."

"You knew"

"Danielle I was once your age I know all the little games and tricks you try and pull" 

"You knew and you let him stay?" 

"Well yes." I didn't see that one coming. 

"Well I am a little confused, Why are you so upset.?" I forgot i didn't tell her about that part. 

"Well When Harry first asked me out i didn't know what to say so i said i needed time to think. Then when I left the hospital Liam had text me asking me out as well. Cause earlier that day we were hanging out." 

"Wait, let me stop you, So before you went to the hospital to see Harry you were with Liam" 


"Okay continue"

"So at the moment I had feelings for both of them but obviously I choose Harry. But i haven't had the guts to tell Liam yet and He is not giving up on me and its annoying. Like I don't wanna ruin our friendship Or anything." 

"Ah, I can see why your upset know." 

"Well Yeah." 

"What should i do" 

"I think theres only one thing to do. You have to tell him" 

"okay." I sigh 

Me and my mom continue talking about Harry for quite a while. I told her all the little stuff. How in the hospital how he made a special thing for our anniversary. How his mood changes when hes around me. How much i really like him. That kinda stuff. 

Before we knew it hours went by and we ended up talking till about 10 at night. Me and her then watched the movie Crazy, stupid love. We druled over how good looking and dreamy Ryan Gosling was. After that movie was over we watched The notebook and other movies he was in till we crashed on the couch. 

( Sorry its short guys.  My brain went fried. I am taking a break for a little while to gain back the good writting cause I know this sucks. But please read my new fanficton in the mean time i will be posting a Proloque tonight. Sorry. I love you all.) 

( The break will probably only be a week or so its not horrible. I just feel my writing is going down hill and you wont like it. For example this chapter is horrible. Any way sorry ) 

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