Chapter 15

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Danielle's POV

I stand in the door way of Harry's room he's laying on the bed facing the opposite dirction, it sounds as if he is crying. I stand in the doorway for a minute or two before knocking on the door I dont know why.

He instantly rolls over and recognizing its me. His face is drenched in tears and he looks exahusted. This is what I've caused the boy. His frown turns upside down and it makes me feel alittle... better.

Hey I say and walk towards him.

"Hey" he mumbles.

"How are you?" I stupidly ask

"Im in the hospital, been alone in the hospital for like a week what do you think" he snaps and I dont answer.

"I.. Im sorry I didn't mean too"

"Its fine, so is there any news about you like with the cast or whatever?" I dont know what to say but I try to make convosation.

"They said I can get my cast of my leg sometime next week but I have to stay in the hospital for another 4 weeks and do fucking physical thearapy"

"Well at least you will be walking" I try to make him smile. But I fail.

"Can we watch a movie?"

"Sure anything you want"


"Well what do you wanna watch"

"I dont know I really haven't watched a movie in years! Whats your favorite.?"

"My favorite is the notebook.. But we can watch something else its kind of a girly movie."

"No lets watch it."

"If you really want to"

"Yes" he snaps

We both burst into laughter and find the notebook on demand.

"So whats this movie about."

"You will just have to find out" i nudge him.

I haven't seen this movie in years. I love it so much. Especially Ryan Gosling!

Harry apparently was very bored. He fell asleep so early into the movie. He didn't even make it to the part when Noah and Allie are lying in the middle of the street under the street light. I decide to watch the rest of the movie by myself. Harry never woke but in a way im glad because I am a hotmess. Crying my eyes out my mascara is probably running.

I am scared nearly half to death when Harry starts screaming on the top of his lungs Dani! Dani! Dani! I don't know what to do but i think he's having some type of nightmare. I jump of my chair that was next to him and try waking him up to stop his horrible night,are or whatever is happening.

Finally the screaming stops and he wakes up. I sit next to him on the bed and put my hand on his hand "im here harry Im here its okay."

Seeing the pain and tears fall from his eyes really hurts me. He cries into my chest and i try to comfort him as much as I can. I run my hand threw his curly head. Im not sure but i think he fell asleep on me. His face is so peaceful when he sleeps. I dont want to wake him so I decide to let him stay the way he is.

Now The notebook is over so I put on Beastly. One of my favorite movies. Just because you are marked different or the way you look doesn't mean you are different from anyone else. Anyone can love you and thats exactly what beastly shows.

I think I fell started asleep half way through the movie. But I didn't stay asleep cause Harry started having another nightmare or dream.

Witnessing this for the second time in less than an hour is quite frightening. I finally get harry to wake. His breathing is heavy and his face is full of fright.

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