chapter 4

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Harry's P.O.V

What is wrong with this chick. Why is she fucking coming here at 5 in the morning. I was almost certain nobody would be here. I fucking explained my life problems to a complete stranger. I think i have seen her around here though.

I just can't take mom and dad any more. I'm tired of there shit. Getting bruises and cuts from them and constantly getting yelled at by them. I always try my best to make them happy. It never happens.

Why was Danielle so nice to me? Well anyway I really needed to talk it out.

I don't want to be here anymore. People give me shit 24-7. I am tired of it for the last 16 years that's how its been even when I was younger. Nobody wants to help me. Nobody cares. So might as well help them out by just jumping of this building right now.

I decide that is the best scenario right now. I walk towards the edge of the building once again. This will be the last time though. As I take a deep breath in and jump I hear a faint scream. When i look it is Danielle. But now its too late. Last thing i thing i see is her fall to her knees crying before i hit the hard cold cement.

Danielle's P.O.V.

I decide to come back to the school and check on Harry. As I get to the back of the school. I see Harry jumping of the building. My heart drops to floor.

This isn't happening. He hits the ground head first and his body hits just as hard. I rush over to Harry. I gently turn him over. His face is scratched and torn.

His perfectly round face, has blood running down the side. Blood is gushing out of his head.

I need to get an ambulance. Quickly I call for help. I sit here with broken, damaged Harry on my lap.

While waiting Im thinking of what is going to happen next. I have to go to the hospital. I can't leave him there alone.

This is the most frightening situation I have been in my entire life.

In minutes I hear the sirens and the I see the flashing lights. A woman hops out of the of the ambulance. "Are you okay?" "Yes I am fine it is just him who is injured." I answer the woman back.

Her and a couple of people quickly, but gently get Harry into the ambulance. This is happening so quick. Whats going to happen next? "Are you taking the ride or meeting us there? "Umm. I will take the ride" I answer.

Then we all get in the ambulance and the horror begins.

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