Chapter 14

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Danielle's POV

Ugh.. Its 5 am who on earth is calling me. What is wrong with people. As get out of my comfy bed, that covered me in cozy blankets i check to see who's calling.

My heart aces and races as soon as I see who it is.


"Hi Danielle?"


"Hi its St judes. Hospital, there was a predicament with Harry a few minutes ago, its urgent you get here as soon as you can."

"Oh no! What happen."

"He has been miserable with out you here. All us nurses have something to say about it, we can talk when ever you arrive, Laura is here she knows all."

"Okay, im getting dressed and coming now."

"Thank you, see you soon,"

"Thank you, bye."

What do they mean Harry is miserable? Is he loosing his mind over me? Is he okay? Did he hurt himself? I cant even think of what happen today.

But again i feel its my fault. I haven't been to the hospital in maybe a week. I have been trying to figure out my feelings towards him. But i really should have gone, he is in the hospital for gods sake. He has no one to talk to. He really doesn't have any friends his parents sure as hell wouldn't come. Im the only one visiting him.

I drive as quick as I can to the hospital and rush up to Harry's floor. I have to say it was weird, I get to his floor and almost every doctor and nurse greeted me and said they are glad I am here. What happen..?

I find Laura at the front desk doing some computer work. Once she notices my existence she instantly jumps up in joy that I am here. Why does everyone keep doing that.

"Can you please tell me what the hell is going on before I like I dont know pass out. " she laughs and I really want to bitch slap her but i decide against it

"Sure, come on we will go get a cup of coffee my treat"

"Okay but just explain! Walk and talk girl walk and talk!"

"So you haven't been coming to the hospital and Harry having a hard time" sure start of with that. That makes me feel 10x worst.

"He hasn't been eating, he has been in a bad mood always snapping at the nurses, he screams in his sleep waking up covered in sheets of sweat, you probably want to kill me for saying this but he needs you Dani. Im not talking relationship, although thats what he wants, but he needs you to be there, he is always talking about you."

"I know I just been trying to figure out my feelings towards him. But apparently its killing Harry."

"Again your going to want to kill me but do you want to know what happen this morning."

"Yes" im nervous for her response

"So Harry was hooked up to a machine that helps him, with pain and stuff. He went to get out of the bed and he was going to find you. But he forgot he had his legs in a full cast. So he fell and he yanked on the cord on the cord to the machine making it come out of his arm causing it bleed. He was in a lot of pain obviously from the fall. He started screaming and the nurses and I rushed in, He kept calling out your name." Her words of how miserable tug at my heart. I feel horrible

"When can I see him?"

"Well I know they were seeing if he injured himself more from the fall. I think they got word back already saying he no harm done. Bit they needed to clean him and his room because blood splattered everywhere. He should be back in a couple minutes."

"Okay can we go back up then?"


We finish up our second cup of coffee and then head to the elevator.

"Dani i have a question for ya"


"Do you have your feelings figured out with Harry?"

"Yes. Not a day has gone by that i haven't thought about him. I still want to do anything I can do to help him. I cant do that by staying home. I want. No I need him. I know nothing about him but I need him and he needs me."

"Well im glad you made your descison"

"It took time but so do I. And holy shit how long is this fucking elevator we only need to go three floors up?"

Harrys POV

Im still on the floor screaming in pain as the dumbass nurses try and gently pick me up and stop the bleeding. I keep calling out Dani! Dani! Dani! After minutes of screaming I just break down and start bawling of my eyes. I need her.

The nurses finally assist me up and get me into a wheel chair. The doctor ordered me a X-ray to double check that I didn't injure myself more. I remember hearing a nurse say she will notify Dani. Well where the hell is she.

Thankfully nothing more happened injury wise. After the X-ray they took me to take a shower since my blood kinda got everywhere.

They finally get me back yo my room after what feels like hours of torture. I lay in this un comfy bed and try and fall back asleep but I cant.

Dani, Dani, Dani. She is stuck in my head shes all i think about. The flashbacks constantly play in my head.

That early morning when i almost killed myself because i thought no one cared. That same morning when we were just talking. I was able to tell her anything. She gave me advice or something nice back that made me feel better.

That day when I finally conscious and I saw a beautiful girl, with her perfect pearl white smile, long luscious blonde hair, her gorgeous blue green eyes looking at me full of happiness. She is gorgeous.

That one day when she came to visit, it was now a routine that she came and visit all day I didn't mind it though. I had to get this in. Since i was in a cast I really couldn't move so I asked her to come closer. She was sitting next to me on the bed but facing me. Only inches away from each other and we kissed. It felt so right. But I think it scared her off because that was the last time I saw her.

I told her I would give her as much time as she needs. Honestly i would wait a million years just to spend a couple minutes with her. She said she would think about and was going to get a cup of coffee or talk to Laura I dont remember. But in the time she was gone I had a seziure.

I haven't seen her since. Now every time I think about her my heart aces. I almost start to cry just thinking about her, and trying to fall asleep.

But there was a knock at the door and the pain instantly goes away. There she is standing at the door finally.

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