A Sad Song

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Sarah returned to the dressing room adrelaline pumping through her body. She was so happy at how the audience responded to her. She got the emotions of the song across. To her, that was everything.

Of course it did help that she saw Bernard before she went onstage. It was just a brief glance. But it was enough to make her remember...

"Congratulations baby girl!!!" Friends from the show rushed in, each one hugging her and giving their praises.

"That was soooo good!" Iya exclaimed. "I was like Sarah G's got the moves!!!"

"Yeah!" Yeng nodded. "And that song was just amazing. Real solid lyrics. And the music was just ugh.... I envy you!!! I wish I wrote that..."

"Diba??! I'm so happy for you Sarah!!!" Nikki giggled. "I just knew that you were gonna blow us away. And look at you... You're super beautiful..." Nikki made her turn around. The red ensemble highlighted her natural beauty.

Sarah's heart was brimming with happiness. "Thank you girls! I'm really glad you liked it."

"Sarah!!!" Gary approached her and gave her a quick hug. "Galiiiiing!!! Angeli was texting me nonstop telling me to congratulate you for her", referring to his wife.

"Tito Gary...." He was one of the artists that Sarah respected and looked up to. She took a lot of risks with the new song, taking on a style that she's never done before. His commendation meant the world to her. "Thank you!"

"I'm really really proud of you. I felt it here," pointing at his heart. "I just want you to know that I'm really happy for you."

Gary was like a second dad to her in showbusiness. He knew what she went through over the past couple of months. He knew that her album was just not a product of hard work, it was also a product of a long and hard process called moving on. All the memories from that experience became the fabric for her masterpiece.

Sarah felt like crying and laughing at the same time. She fought hard for that album, almost as hard as she fought to get over Bernard. And now that she was seeing how well people accepted her work, she knew that the fight was worth it.


"Amazing performance. Jawdropping. #GoSarah.

Sarah is Philippine's finest. Bought her album from itunes. Let's make her #1 people!

Sarah is so pretty! Eat your heart out Bernard de Vera!...

Oops... I think I shouldn't have read that..." Sarah's manager and friend said as she scanned the tweets. "But yeah I totally agree with queenie107 ah."

Sarah gave an exasperated laugh. "Nay Mayette talaga..." She looked out the window as they sped along Edsa. After a long day of promotion they were finally on their way home.

It's been a little over a year since she broke it off with Bernard. They got close while doing a movie and he ended up courting her. She thought he could be the one, but then it began to look more and more like he wasn't what God planned for her. Still, she hoped that maybe... one day just maybe...

"...for the music video. Sam Milby will be busy shooting a movie. I think Arjo Atayde could work too. I'll check with his manager..." Mayette said as she reached for her phone. "Oh wait... How about Dingdong Dantes. Yummy guy... He'll be perfect! I'll call his manager na!"

Sarah wasn't able to catch her drift since her mind has been elsewhere. "Sorry, ano po yon?"

"We need a guy!" Mayette said, her eyes wideing like saucers. "For your music video. Lumilipad na naman ang utak mo."

Sarah shrugged her shoulders. She let Mayette decide on these things.

"He's free. But I need to work out the details with his manager. I'll let you know." Mayette said as they approached her house. "You were awesome anak... I get goosebumps all over everytime you sing. If Bernard saw you I'm sure he would be looking all over ebay now for a time machine... So he could take everything back!!!"

"Nay Mayette... Tama na... Kailangan ba talagang ulit ulit?" Sarah said. She was really tired. Physically and emotionally. Mayette mentioned his name more than 50 times that day.

"Sorry darling. You know how I feel." She knew. Mayette was with her through her lowest points. She did everything she could to shield her from the media during the worst. She encouraged her to be strong, she always said- never let him see you sweat.

"I know. It's just that... You don't have to mention his name so much."

"Aba, don't you know that venom fights venom?!" Mayette declared. "Anyway, have a good night's sleep anak. You did really well."

Sarah closed the door and watched the car go.

It was 1AM already and she shivered at the blow of the cold November wind. Last year, things were different. He was there to walk her home.

"One year and 18 days na Bernard..." She said, as the memories once again found a way to her heart. As if the wind would carry her words to Bernard. She couldn't help it. She's been keeping count as if one day, he'll come back. Even if she didn't want to.

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