Chapter 6

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Hi everybody :) It's Monday, ugh :/ I left you on a cliff hanger last time lol I so evil >:3 Well, here's the next chappie, hope you enjoy ^-^


John's POV

What the...

Sherlock's scarf. I set it on the couch before I came here! It can't follow me, so how?... This is too strange. It looks like the emptiness was just me because there's someone else here. And they were in my flat! How'd they get in?

"Hello? I know you're there!" I call out. No answer. I feel a chill run down my spine. Someone was in my flat right after me and got here before me. I think about anyone who could even get in.

Mrs. Hudson I guess. But why would she do this? My mind goes wild, ideas and thoughts spinning in every direction. I'm not sure what to do. No one could get in unless they have a key. But that doesn't make any sense!

The only person that could have done this is Mrs. Hudson. This is just too weird. I decide to call Lilienna. I pull out my phone and dial the number that was on the sheet of paper.

She picks up. "Hello?" she says groggily. "Hi, uh, It's John, have you been to visit Sherlock since yesterday?" I ask. "Uh, no. Why?" she responds. "No reason. Talk to you later," I say quickly. "Ok..." she says just before I hang up the phone.

I stand in the cold, looking around at the hills. I hear someone's foot come in contact with the ground loudly. Oh no. "Who's there?" I call out.

Snow crunches behind me. I wheel around, but as soon as I face the other way, a punch lands itself in the center of my face before I can see who is standing there.

My head hits the ground hard, and my mind goes insane. I sit up quickly; too quickly and I become very dizzy. My vision is blurry. "Hello?!" I call out helplessly.

My eyelids begin to shut. No, no! I have to see who's here! I hear them running away. My body betrays me and shuts down, and everything goes black.

Lilienna's POV

I'm wide awake now, and I suddenly have so much energy I can barely sit still. Strange...

I could hear wind in the background of John's phone call. He must have been visiting Sherlock. Maybe he's still there; I think I'll go and see. I stand up out of bed and skip down to the door. I'm in a surprisingly good mood for 4:30 am.

I slip on some shoes and open the door. A gust of wind blows through the doorway. Whoa! It's freezing! I take a pair of gloves so my hands don't crumble. I make my way quickly to the cemetery- I feel like I need to be there. When I arrive, I walk quickly to Sherlock's spot.

What in the world? John is laying on the ground, facing the other way. Did he fall asleep? How would he be able to in weather like this?

I walk over and shake his shoulder. "John, are you alright?" I ask. He doesn't move. "John!" I say, a little louder while shaking him again. He still doesn't move. "John!" I yell out, very loudly, maybe louder than I should have. He twitches.

I roll him over. "Oh my god!" I cry out as I see his face. He's bleeding badly and is bruised. "John, wake up! Are you okay?!" I start to panic. What happened?

His eyes flutter open and he groans. His vision seems to clear up a bit and he jumps back. "John, it's me! Are you okay?" I ask. "Lili! Did you?..." he trails off. "No, I did not punch you in the face, but whoever did still here," I whisper. He starts to try to stand up but falls back over.

"Be careful! You're going to make it worse!" I order. "I can't...I can't see!" he blurts out frantically. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Everything is really blurry, I can't see what I'm doing," he explains.

I hold out my hand an take his. "Here I'll help you up," I offer. "We should leave, quickly," he says. I run with his hand in mine, guiding him out of the graveyard as fast as I can run. He has something in his hand, but I don't say anything yet.

Once we reach the gate and step out, I decide to ask. "What's that in your hand?" I query. He doesn't answer; he just holds out his hand. I take it and look at it. Sherlock's scarf. How'd he get it?

"Do you need help getting home?" I ask. He hesitates. "I think so, I still can't really see," he says as he rubs his eyes. "I'll take you," I offer and start to walk in the direction of his flat. " know where I live?" he asks confusedly.

"It's where Sherlock use to live, remember? I came to visit him once in a while when you weren't home," I comment. "Oh..." he replies. I lead him back to his flat in silence.

When we reach his flat I have to carefully lead him up the front porch stairs. He pulls out his key and tries to put it in the keyhole. He misses several times, and I take it from him and do it myself.

We walk up the stairs into the living room and I ask, "Where's your bandages and that sort of stuff?" He pauses before he replies, "In the first cabinet on the left." I find them shortly after I open the cabinet.

I walk over with a wet paper towel and try to clean his face. I wipe the blood away to see where the wound is. It's on the left side of his forehead. He must have fallen that way.

"Do you think you'll be okay, John?" I ask. He nodded. "Can you see?" I ask. "Yeah, I think I got blood in my eyes. Ouch!" He whimpers. I dab at the wound. "Oh, sorry!" I apologize.

I place a bandage on his forehead after cleaning it out. I throw away the paper towel.

"Oh, by the way, you dropped your keys the other day," I say, taking them out of my pocket and jingling them. I set them on the counter.

"Oh," he responds bluntly. I nod. "I'm going to leave now, John. Try to get some sleep," I say. He nods and lays his head on the couch arm.

I walk down the stairs and close the door behind me.


Kind of a long chappie :0 I felt bad writing this cuz he got punched and stuff :/ Anyways, hope you liked it and see you next time!! ;) (If you sneezed while reading this, bless you X3)

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