Chapter 9

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Hi!! >~< How are you? :3 Well I left you on a cliff hanger last time, so CLIFF HANGA RESOLUTION TIME!! Yay :D Here it is, hope ya like it :)



John's POV

What do I do? I know they're here. I can hear them. But where?

I run downstairs and rip open the door. If they're going to follow me I might as well make it harder for them.

I shut the door quickly and sprint for nowhere except for away. I don't look back.

I can almost feel them following me. I have to see who it is. I choose an open spaced street so I don't run into anything and wheel around, not stopping. I don't see them. I almost fall over on the slippery road. I stop running.

Nothing moves. Nothing stirs. I wait for maybe five minutes even. No one jumps out at me. I swear someone was following me. There was someone in my flat, I'm positive.

I must be going mad.

I need to go home and get some sleep. It's pretty late at this point.


I wake up to, "Who hoo." I turn my head. "I'm sorry, is there a reason that this was laying on the doorstep, dear?" asks a curious sounding Mrs. Hudson.

I look at the object in her hand. A notebook. That's strange. I walk over to her. She hands it to me. "It was just laying there. I'm not sure who's it is," she added. I open it. Empty.

I shrug. "I'm not sure," I say. "I'll keep it just in case," I say as I start to walk up to my room. I stop on the stairs for just a moment, and the stair creaks like mad. Whoa, I didn't notice that before.

When I walk into my room, I see that my window is open. I don't remember that being open when I was last in here. I look out. There are fingerprints on the window. They're large, not mine. Maybe they're Sherlock's from when came in here to look for something. But how did the window open?

I sit down on my bed and put the notebook in my lap. I start to flip through the empty pages. I go though the whole notebook quickly. Wait a second...

I flip through it again. There's writing on a page near the end. I read it slowly, analyzing every word.

"Hello, John. I haven't seen you in a while. I don't know if you'll read this but it's my only way to say hello. I hope you're having a better day than I am."

There is something stuck in the page behind it. I flip the page and pull it out.

Lili's flower. The one she put on Sherlock's grave. Did she put the notebook there? But that wouldn't make any sense...

I need more sleep. Might as well sleep in my bed for the first time in a few days. I set the notebook on my bedside table. I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be a long day.

Lilenna's POV

I lay in bed looking at my ceiling. My phone buzzes. I might as well pick it up. I grab it and press the button. "Hello?" I answer half-heartedly.

"Hello. How are you?" a slightly familiar voice says. "Who is this?" I ask. "I thought it would take much longer than this to forget me," the voice comments, not answering my question to my disappointment.

"Who are you?" I ask, more firmly this time. "I am the boy that always came to your window," the voice answers. "But that's impossible! You're-" "I can defy anything if it means I won't break tradition! I haven't broken our tradition," he interrupts me.

"What do you mean you haven't broken our tradition?" I ask nervously. "You know what I mean, Lili. All you have to do is look," the voice sneers in a sinister way.

I turn my head very slowly in the direction I know he is in. I don't get a good glimpse of him before I black out.


YAY MORE CLIFF HANGERS!!!!!!!! Mwuahahahahaha I'm so evil!!!! I hope you liked it and find out what happens next time!! Vote, comment, fan!!! (If you sneezed while reading this, bless you X3)

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