Chapter 7

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Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Lol but hi though :) Hope you're day is good ^-^ I've had the song stuck in my head when Soo Lin dies for the last couple of days :| Hope you like the chappie :D


John's POV

I wake up on the couch again. Sherlock's scarf lays on my side. My head hurts. I don't fully remember what happened last night. I know Lili was involved.

I lay down thinking for a few minutes. I glance at the clock. It's 10:42 am, a lot later than I usually sleep. My phone rings. I reach for it and then pick it up. "Hello?" I answer.

"Hi John. How are you feeling?" says a concerned sounding Lili on the other line. "Fine. Why do you ask?" I question. "Well, you know, last night was um...a know," she mumbles.

"Actually I don't remember what happened last night, I thought you could tell me," I inform her. "Oh...well...You went to visit Sherlock at 4 am and then called me so I went to go and find you and when I did you were laying on the ground unconscious so I rolled you over and your face had blood on it and I could see that someone had hurt you and you said you couldn't see so I helped you out of the graveyard and you had Sherlock's scarf and I led you home and cleaned out the wound on your forehead and put a bandage on it then left," she explained, speaking extremely fast.

"Oh," was all I could say. Okay then. Someone had hurt me? But that doesn't make any sense, there's never been anyone else there when I've gone to see Sherlock. "Well, I have to go, John. I'll see you soon," she says. "Bye," I respond before she hangs up.

I fiddle with Sherlock's scarf. It's really soft. It's something I have to hold on to him.

I remember watching him jump as my world froze around me like pond in the winter time. Now this scarf is the only thing I have left.

It's getting closer to Christmas. I wonder what to get Mrs. Hudson. Maybe jewelry, I know she would like that. What would Molly like?

I sit and think for a while. Not just about Christmas either. Who could have done that at the graveyard? I remember thinking that I was alone for sure.

Apparently I was very wrong. My brain is going through thousands of thoughts in minutes. I almost feel as if my brain is taking over my body, when suddenly, "Who hoo."

Mrs. Hudson. "John, there's a young lady at the door who's asking for you," she says. I stand up. "What's that in your hand?" she asks. "Um...Sherlock's scarf. I found it in here earlier," I answer.

"Oh that's strange," she remarks. I nod and make my way down the stairs. Lili is standing at the door. "Hello," she says. "Hi," I reply.

"Are you busy?" she asks. "No," I say. She smiles shyly. "Well, I thought we could go out somewhere. You know, just to do something. I'm sure you get bored, just as I do," she says. "You have no idea," I respond.

There's a slight pause. "So, where to you want to go?" I ask. "Well, I thought maybe the cinema," she suggests. "Sure," I accept. I can feel Mrs. Hudson's stare. She wants to ask who she is, I can tell.

I exit the doorway quickly. I'll explain to her later. "Is there anything in particular that you want to see?" I ask. She seems to be thinking. "No, not really," she replies.

It starts to snow as we approach the cinema. It's coming down hard, too. We run inside. We end up going to see a horror film. As we exit the theater she is slightly shaking. Maybe we should have chosen something less frightening.

"You okay?" I ask. She nods but doesn't say anything. We leave and go to an ice cream shop just as a little treat. As we're sitting at one of the little tables, she says, "Only we would be eating ice cream in the middle of winter!"

I laugh. "This is the most fun I've had in a while. Thanks," I tell her. She smiles. "Same here. Thanks for paying," she says. I nod in response.

We she finishes hers a little bit after me, then we throw away the cups and leave. "I'll need to get a cab from here," she says. "Wait. I'll walk you home," I offer. She shakes her head. "You don't have to, John," she replies.

"Please? You helped me home earlier, so I'll bring you home now," I insist. She finally gives in. "Okay, fine," se laughs. We chat as she shows me to her flat. "It's awfully cold out," she remarks. "It sure is," I reply.

We reach her flat after a little while of walking. "We're here," she says. She puts her key in the door, and then opens it. She turns around. "Thanks for spending time with me," she says.

I nod. "No problem," I say. She smiles before closing the door.


Sorry for the filler guys, I hope not to do those too much :| Anyways, hope you liked it anyways and seeya next chappie :) BYEEEE :3 (If you sneezed while reading this, bless you X3)

Never As It Seems || SherlockDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora