Chapter 11

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Hey :) Alright, since I left you on the most irritating cliff hanger ever, I'm going to get straight to the point :3 So, here's the chappie, enjoy! ;)



John's POV

My head turns and I find myself looking at a tall, curly-haired, green and blue eyed man. I feel dizzy.

"Sherlock?..." I manage to mumble out. I really am going mad. "Yes, I see you remember my name," he says. Lili runs over. "What's going on?" she asks. She looks at Sherlock.

"Did you find a Sherlock look alike or something? Wow, you look an awful lot like him," she rambles. Sherlock shakes his head. "Lili, I doubt that someone who looked this much like me would sound like me too," he says.

"What? No, no, this isn't right. It doesn't make any sense," she mutters as she backs away. She slips and falls backwards. Sherlock walks over and takes her hand to help her up.

"It's really you!" she exclaims as she wraps her arms around him. She pulls away to look at him. "Good god Sherlock, why did you scare us like that?" she cries out.

Sherlock glances at me. "So, you two have met? I wonder how that happened," he remarks. He can obviously tell I'm still in extreme shock. "Tell me this is real. Tell me I'm not dreaming," I mutter.

He walks over to me. He takes hold of my arm and runs his fingers across my bare hand. I can feel him. "You're not dreaming, John," he insists. He gets closer. "I'm real," he whispers.

I begin to laugh for no reason. "You're real!" I cry out. Lili is smiling at me, obviously still surprised. Sherlock smiles with us.

We all begin to laugh. Even Sherlock. Oh how I've missed that laugh of his, even if he had barely used it.

He is happy. Lili is happy. And I'm happier than I have ever been in my entire life.


We're standing in front of the flat. Sherlock has his scarf once again; it's wrapped around his head so no one will recognize him. I insert the key in the door.

How do we break this news to Mrs. Hudson? I open the door slowly. "Mrs. Hudson?" I call.

"Yes dear?" she replies. "We're home," I say. She pauses and I smile. "Who's we?" she calls.

"Come down and see," I yell. She starts to walk down the stairs. She reaches the bottom. "Oh, is this Lilienna? Hello, love. Who's that there?" she asks, pointing at Sherlock. "Why are they wearing Sherlock's scarf?"

"Oh that's right, that was so no one recognized him," I explain. He pulls off the scarf. "Hello," he says. "," she says. He smiles at her.

"What's going on, John?" she looks to me. "It's me," Sherlock says. "You're back!" she exclaims. She smiles brightly. "Oh, wait until everyone hears about this!"

We all walk upstairs and into the living room. I sit down in my chair and look at everyone else in the room. Everyone is together again.

Molly's POV

I walk through the hallway. Finally I can go. I walk out into the street.

Someone is waiting for me. I can tell by the way they're standing and staring. I can't make out who it is from this far away.

I walk up to him. "Can I help you?" I ask curiously. "Yes, yes you can," he says. We are in a position where no one can see us. "What..." I trail off as he raises his hand.

He puts an wet cloth over my face. I try screaming, but no sound escapes his hands. He scoops me up and begins running. My eyelids start to droop. He drugged me.

I black out in the arms of a criminal stranger.


And there's #4 in a row! Ba bam!!! :D SHERLOCK' BACK YAY >~< What's gonna happen to Molly? :0 Find out next chappie!!!! Bai ;3 (If you sneezed while reading this, bless you X3)

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