Chapter 8

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Sup ^~^ How are you? ;3 I'm pretty good, a cute boy flirted with me today X3 Sorry I'm a little bit too enthusiastic about that cuz it never happens #foreveralone :'( Anyways here's the chappie, enjoy! :)


Lilienna's POV

John. John. John. John, John, John, John, John. No, I don't want to think about him. John, John, John! No, stop!

My brain hates me. He's all I can think about other than not wanting to think about him! I'm laying on my bed watching telly, and I don't I think I've ever been more confused with myself.

JOHN! Be quiet, brain!

I try to pay attention to what's happening on the screen, but my brain won't let me.

I decide to turn it off; it's useless and a waste of electricity to try to watch this.

I hear my phone vibrate, but I don't need to check it; I already know who it is. I stare at the ceiling, trying to shake the thought of him away. Ponies, strawberries, kittens, bunnies, cookies, flowers, diamonds, sunshine, John. NO!

This isn't working. I lay down for an hour or so trying to go to sleep. However, it doesn't work because my stupid thoughts.

I'm frustrated, but I have mixed feelings. What mood am I am? Irritable, yes. Happy? Sad? Angry? Shocked?

I'm not sure. It's that weird feeling where you don't know what to think about anyone or anything. It's just emptiness, and yet you're full of thoughts. It's the strangest feeling on Earth in my opinion. There is only one thing I'm completely sure that I am feeling. I feel lost.

Lost, wandering aimlessly through my own thoughts and dreams and mixed emotions. And there's no feeling worse than feeling lost.

John's POV

I walk into the flat and Mrs. Hudson comes out immediately afterwards. "John, hello. Who was that young lady that came to the door earlier?" she asks quickly.

She's obviously been waiting for me, waiting to ask me this. "Her name is Lilenna," I reply bluntly. I can see a question floating on her lips.

"And she's Sherlock's sister," I finish. "Oh, that's funny. Sherlock never mentioned her," Mrs. Hudson comments. "She told me that her, Sherlock, and Mycroft thought it would be best if they didn't tell anyone," I explain.

"Oh," she says quietly. "We'll, I need to go to the supermarket John." I nod and hand her her coat. "Thank you," she says. She opens the door. "Oh my heavens!" she exclaims as the cold obviously hits her. I smile.

"You might want some gloves," I suggest. "Oh you're right, dear," she replies as she picks up a pair of her gloves and slips them on.

She walks out and closes the door behind her. I'm alone again.

A crash comes from my kitchen, and then rapid footsteps. Or not. I run upstairs and go into my kitchen. I look around, but no one is here.

"Hello?" I call out. No answer. There's a bowl on the floor. Whoever was in here knocked over the bowl and ran, realizing I was going to come up and find them if they didn't.

Or maybe I'm just going crazy and hearing things and this bowl fell over by itself. I pick it up and set it on the counter where it was before.

How did they get out? The windows are shut and they obviously didn't leave through the door.

I hear a floorboard creak. Oh wait...they're still here.


UH OOOOH DUN DUN DUNNN :000 How'd ya like it? Hope it was good :3 Action stuff is starting YAY :D Well, I'll seeya next chappie, bai ;) (If you sneezed while reading this, bless you X3)

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