Chapter 15

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Hewwo ;P Guys, I'm having loads of fun writing this :3 I hope everyone reading is enjoying as well :) Alright, here it is!



John's POV

I throw the the empty wrappers from the mess Sherlock had made into the garbage. He still hasn't gotten back from walking Molly home.

It's raining outside. It's not raining that hard, but it is winter; it's strange for it to be warm enough for rain.

My phone buzzes. The little message icon pops up on the screen. I reach over to look at it. "John, have you seen Sherlock?"

It's from Lili. "He's walking Molly home. Why, do you need him?" I press the little send button. She responds immediately. "O judt wss wibderjng"

That's strange, she usually takes a minute to make sure the text actually makes sense...

"Ok then..." I send. I wait for maybe ten minutes and she doesn't respond. "Everything alright?"

I wait for what feels like forever. Still no answer. I hope she's alright...

I hear the door open at the bottom of the stairs. It's about time.

Sherlock walks into the room with a distant look on his face. "Did you get her home alright?" I ask him.

"Well, this man showed up and said he had something that Molly might have forgotten about or something like that. She said that she had totally forgotten about it and apologized to him, then they left," he explains.

I frown. "Hm, that's...weird I feel like we might have known something about him, knowing Molly," I respond. Sherlock shrugs. "She said everything was fine, and went with him. She didn't seem nervous or anything," he insists.

He pauses. "Well, I only got about ten seconds to look at him..." he adds. I nod. "Do you think that could have been the wrong decision?" I ask almost rhetorically.

He ignores the fact that I said anything. He puts his hands up so his fingers are touching his chin.

"Not this Sherlock. Are you seriously going to ignore me?" I ask. His face snaps as if he has just come out of a trance, and he looks at me with a clueless face. "What?" he says.

"You should really work on that," I comment. He gives me that annoying look. "On what?" he asks. I shake my head, smiling slightly. "Thinking...tuning everyone out," I tell him.

He doesn't reply. He opens his mouth, but then closes it again. Not sure how to respond to that, I guess.

Molly's POV

I'm alone again. I run towards my flat as fast as my legs can carry me. The rain has finally slowed.

I wonder why he keeps letting us escape so easily. Maybe he's just a terrible villain. Or there's a reason.

I run up the steps and reach into my pocket. My key isn't there. Why in the world isn't it there? I reach under the rug to grab the spare. I open the door and step in quickly.

My hands are still shaking slightly. I feel as if I will be attacked any moment, not even in my own flat do I feel safe.

If he was so genius at kidnapping us, then the fact that he keeps letting us escape has to be a trick. But how? And why?


Hmmmmmm...for now that's for you to decide! Kind of a filler, and really short, but hope you enjoyed! Seeya next chappie! Vote, comment, follow! (If you sneezed while reading this, bless you X3)

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