Chapter 20

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Hello :) Sooooo how's life?...Okay, okay, I know I left you on a terrible cliff hanger last I'll straight to the chapter. Enjoyee! :3



John's POV

"Oh my god...Sherlock..." I don't really know what to say. It's her. He whips around to look at me coldly.

"What do you want?" he snaps. The words aren't forming. I pull the hood all the way off.

His face contorts, and I can almost hear his heart hit the floor. He kneels next to the lifeless woman. Her familiar face is painful to look at in this way.

"Lili," he says, shaking her shoulder hard. I look into his eyes. "Sherlock, it's no use," I tell him. He has real tears in his eyes. "She's dead."

I want her to be alive. I hate to have those words in my mind. I leave that moment silent. This is the most vulnerable I've ever seen this man.

Not even on the roof of St. Bard's hospital, about to jump to his "death", with his voice shaking on the other line did he ever seem this human.

He took her hand, and sat there staring at her. I have so many questions, but now doesn't seem like the time to ask them.

He stands up. "No, I'm not doing this anymore," he protests himself. I would guess it's hard for him to accept he cares about someone.

It's silent again, but what can either of us say? I just sigh. I look into the pile of keys. I bend over and pick up one of them.

This one looks like mine. I take mine out of my pocket. Then, I place them on top of each other.This one is exactly the same as mine.

Then I realize what happened.

I lost my key for a little while. She had returned it to me, saying I dropped it or something like that. But really she stole it, and made a copy. Then she gave it back to me. How did she do it so easily?

She was the one I should have been afraid of all along...


I KNOW I'M SO SORRY BUT IT JUST MADE SENSE TO MEEEEEEEE *-* I may have just killed your favorite character and made her evil and for that I apologize T.T Hope it was good though...Seeya next timmeee :) (If you sneezed while reading this, bless you X3)

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