Chapter 13

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Okay, in this chappie I'll try to clear up all zee confuzzledness :P There is some really important stuff in this chappie so DON'T SKIM!!!!! I'm doing it a teensy bit different >:D Alrighty, enjoy this one ;3



Sherlock's POV


I sink awkwardly farther into the couch as John stares at the two of us with that "I know what's going on" face. I have to say that face has always irritated me. I don't think Molly realizes it.

The lack of food that I've been dealing with is really starting to wear on me. Nothing is in the fridge though. We never did figure out why the food vanished; we got a little busy rescuing Molly, who at the moment is looking extremely awkward as well.

I stand up. "We need food. Well, I need food. I haven't eaten in days," I tell them. "I'll go out and get something," John offers. I nod. "Yes, that works," I accept. He walks down the flat stairs and it's just Molly and I again.

There is a long silence. I walk over to the window and pretend to look out of it. "So, do you want to explain-" "What happened? You helped quite a bit, Molly. I'm sure you don't realize that," I interrupt. I can feel her searching her head for something to say.

"" she asks. I smile, almost deviously. "Actually, you healed me completely," I add. Her face contorts. "But...oh...I-I think I understand...but...that still doesn't make any sense," she stammers.

"You had someone hidden correct?" I ask. She nods in disbelief. "And this person was not anyone you had seen before?" She nods again.

"There had to be something to ease my fall. It all moved so quickly, I don't even remember what it was. It didn't matter anyways. It was moved behind the ambulance that was parked by the curb by a few that were assisting me. Then, fake blood, all of that. Then they carried me on the stretcher to somewhere they could give me a face mask. They hid me with you, which you agreed to doing with a good amount of convincing, but you obviously were not completely in your right mind because of everything that day so it was fairly easy. You found me gone the next day because I was at the cemetery where I have been until recently."

She gapes at me and I can't help but let the smile creep onto my face. "I can't believe it..." she whispers. Her stunned silence fills the room, even though I can see by the expression on her face that she is saying so much inside her mind.

"Have you told the others?" she asks, finally breaking the silence. I shake my head. "For now, it's between you and me," I tell her.

"You haven't even told John yet?" she asks incredulously. "No."

Molly's POV

"No," he tells me. "But...I...why would you tell me and not him? I thought he meant more to you." Oops. I shouldn't have said that.

Sherlock has an unreadable expression on his face. "Well..." he trails off. He obviously doesn't want to make that decision. "Sherlock, you even don't have to choose. I don't count, remember?" My voice is starting to shake.

"I've said it before, and I'll say it again: You do count, Molly. You always have," he insists. My mind searches for the right way to our what I'm about to say.

"Sherlock, I know you care about John more than anyone you've ever met. I can tell by the way you look at him and talk to him; you use feelings, and I never thought you were capable of using them until John came along," I say knowingly.

I stand up and walk over to him. "You just don't want to accept it. Sherlock, for so long you've been trying to avoid feelings. Maybe it's time that you start to embrace them," I murmur.

The door opens downstairs and I sit back down on the couch. John appears on the stairs with bags in his hands. "I got some food," he says. He paces into the kitchen slowly as he stares at us to set down the bags in the kitchen.

As soon as the bags hit the counter, Sherlock practically lunges for them. I can't help but laugh. Luckily, he ignores me. He reaches in one of the bags and starts pulling out anything he can get his hands on.

I never imagined him really eating anything, but seeing him like this is something I never thought I'd experience. It's so strange to see him tearing it apart like that.

Maybe it's the fact that he needs something. I've never seen him need something before, not like that. I can tell he needs John, of course, but he's a person.

John is staring at him, smirking. "Hungry, eh?" he teases. Sherlock's twists into an irritated expression. "I haven't eaten in days," he snaps. I giggle. His eyes wander up and land on me. I look away.

He continues tearing away at whatever it is he has in front of him. The sky outside is gray. I shiver from the cold air that fills the room.

I turn my head to see if he is still looking at me. Unfortunately, now they both have their eyes fixated on me. I must look very uncomfortable.

"I-I think I should p-probably..." I stutter as I point at the stairs. I stand up. "Should I walk you home?" Sherlock offers suddenly. I whip my head around nervously. "But-" "Molly, obviously someone wants you. Last time you walked alone you were kidnapped, so I suggest that you let me show you home in the interest of your safety," he interrupts.

"O-Okay," I reply, my voice shaking. He walks up to me and smiles. "Well?" he says expectantly. I must be spacing out. "Sorry," I blurt out.

He starts to walk out of the room, but my brain zones out again. "Molly," he says. I don't respond; my mind is practically lost in another world. He walks back over to me and takes my hand. And that's all it takes for me to snap out of it.

He leads me down the stairs in silence as my thoughts take me over.


:0000000...just :00000000 lol but seriously tho XD Whadja think?? Hope it was good, and leave yo opinion in zee comments!!! Also, vote and follow!!!!!! Love you guys :) (If you sneezed while reading this, bless you X3)

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