Chapter 10

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Hewwo :3 How's your day? ^-^ Hope it's good '~' Guys, I realized something yesterday; I'm Sammi and I'm writing a Sherlock fanfic... SO I'M SHERLOCK SAMMI AAAHH :0 I did leave you on yet another cliff hanger last time, so here's the next chappie, hope ya like it! (Btw, this one is interesting >:D)



Lilienna's POV

I wake up in a darkened room. I blink several times but my vision doesn't clear up. Where am I? What happened? My hands are tied behind my back and I am on the floor.

"I see you're awake," an echoey voice remarks from somewhere in the room. "Stop this. Why do you have me here?" I demand. "Oh, well that's none of your business, is it?" they state.

"You're confused," the voice says. "Maybe I am," I respond. "Why is that amusing to you?" I ask. "Perhaps it's because that's exactly how I want you," the voice whispers eerily.

I whip my head around rapidly as I hear footsteps behind me. "Seeing is believing. That's what all of you normal people live by. Ever stop to think that that might not be true?"

I suddenly realize who it is. Oh no.

"What do you want from me? I gave you everything you asked for. My father shot you, how are you still alive?" I ignored his remark. "You gave me everything except for one teensy little thing," he snarls.

"I can hear your accent. You're trying to hide it," I accuse. "Give me him, Lili," he orders. I frown.

"You're too late. He's gone," I say gloomily. "He's...what?" he sounds confused.

"He's dead!" I snap loudly. He stands there, not saying anything. I start to untie the ropes on my hands. Maybe he still doesn't realize that that isn't something that can contain me for too long.

He can't see me either. Not in this darkness. I have an advantage. My hearing being extremely well, I, in fact, have several advantages.

I quietly slip the ropes off my hands and listen for his breathing. I follow the sounds of his quiet sighs. He is obviously panicking. I step silently.

I approach him without my eyes adjusting. I'm walking through complete darkness. I keep walking.

Here he is. He's right in front of me. He doesn't realize it; this is my chance. I step behind him with a complete absence of sound.

And then I attack.

I grab his shoulders, tackling him from the back and taking him by surprise. He tries to grab something in his pocket, but I grab both of his hands before he wraps his fingers around it.

I take the rope and tie his hands together. He desperately tries to wriggle free, but his efforts are useless.

I push him over with all the force I can manage. I hear his head crack against the cold floor. "I'm not the same girl you knew before, and you should learn to leave me alone," I growl at him in triumph.

I put my foot on his back and press down hard, hard enough to knock the breath out of him. I am ready to strangle him, but somehow, for some odd reason, I can't come to do it.

I don't think I will ever have the heart to kill a person.

I search rapidly for an exit. I feel along the walls of the giant room. I find a doorknob and yank the door open. One of the little wooden doorstop lays on the ground.

I close the door, then grab the little triangle and slide it under the outside of the door. Now he can't get out.

Then, I run. I run as fast as my legs will carry me, not looking back. Once I am very far away, I stop to catch my breath.

He's back.

John's POV

I open my eyes slowly and turn my head to look out the window. It looks like early morning. I guess I'm in the habit of waking up early.

December's cold is starting to wear on me. I walk downstairs, the stair from yesterday creaking loudly again. I need to fix that soon.

I'm not hungry, so I think I'll visit Sherlock. If whoever punched me yesterday is still there that's definitely not good for me, but since it's lighter, I might be able to see who it is.

I walk down to the door. I prepare myself for the bitter cold to hit me.

I open it and walk out quickly, trying not to notice how utterly freezing it is.

I make my way there quietly, walking through the frozen streets. I look around at the small amount of people that are scattered. It's definitely much less than yesterday.

I step up to the cemetery entrance. Here I am.

I open the gate and walk in. Nothing seems real. It seems as if this moment is all a dream. I wish that it was.

I walk over to where Sherlock's grave is. A very distant looking Lili is standing in front of his grave.

I tiptoe up to her. "Hello, Lili," I greet her. "Hi," she whispers absent-mindedly. She is staring at something with a petrified look on her face.

"What's wrong? You look frightened," I say in a concerned voice.

She raises her hand to point at something on Sherlock's gravestone. I look closely. It's an envelope.

"I can't open it, John. It's for you," she whispers. I pick up the envelope, and it has my name on it. I rip it open and pull out the slip of paper inside.

I read the handwriting on the little slip.


It's been too long since I've seen you. I get the feeling you think so as well. Just think about this. How am I writing to you? Well, John, I will tell you how. Things that people like you see and think are different from me. Just make certain that one thing is buried in your mind.

A belief in your head is never as it seems."

What's going on? Snow crunches behind a tree.

"Was that you?" I ask Lili. She shakes her head quickly as if she knows what's going to happen.

I hear footsteps that are coming toward me and I bolt away. They're here. They're coming for me.

I sprint around, trying to lose the person following me. My foot hits a stone and I trip. My face slams on the snow painfully but I stand back up quickly and find myself running back towards Sherlock's grave.

I catch a glimpse of the big tree and continue dashing towards it. I realize that Lili is no longer there. Where did she go?

And that's when I hear it. I hear a eerily familiar voice call out, "John, look out!" I duck down as I see something fly past me. I stand up quickly and see someone in front of me. I throw a punch with all my might.

The unfamiliar person falls to the ground. I stand for a moment, catching my breath.

In that moment I realize what voice I just heard. I turn around slowly to face the impossible.


Muahahahahahahahahahahaha cliff hanger #3 in a row!!!!! This has gotta be a record for me or something :0 Anyways, hope you liked it and I'll see you next time for yet another cliff hanger resolution chappie!! ;D Bai :3 (If you sneezed while reading this, bless you X3)

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